why , and at such a late stage . I briefly spoke to the photographer , hobbled to my spot , and sat down for the first time since arriving at the barracks . I took off my shoes and just sat there . My feet blistered beyond understanding . I just sat there in my little green camping chair . I had come back within the hour , but I had rung the bell . Game over ?
The next moment Richard Laskey is standing in front of me in his cow suit , which at any other time would be comical . He demands , and I quote , “ Put your f & ^ % en shoes on .” Whether from the lack of fight left in me , or some greater power , I listened , and I never listen to anybody . Especially when I have made a call , I own it and normally would not budge . I mumble that I have nothing left to give , while I put my socks and shoes back on , over those blisters and tired feet .
Next thing I am linked into Bella ’ s arm , and this amazing human supports me . Three loops , I held onto her arm , while she just talked . I just listened , focusing on her words , and trying to distract from the physical agony of my body . There was another lady , whose name I cannot recall , who also joined a loop . The distraction was exactly what I needed . For the first time in my life , I allowed myself to depend on another human being to be my strength . I felt like a zombie , if not for every aching part of my body , I would have forgotten that I was human .
Loop 24 . Everyone came together , united , and did the loop as one , but I was still holding onto Bella . I took plenty of lessons from SBBU 2023 , and although I drove home alone , friendships in the fire were formed . I would never have completed this challenge if I had not surrendered and accepted the help of others . Richard , who left no man behind , and kept going back and forth , doing more than his needed time , was epic in my completing the challenge . Ilana , who had told him that I had quit , was crucial to me finishing the challenge . Bella , Bella . There is no way in hell , I would have finished without her .
Let us be raw , I would not have regretted not completing the challenge . Not at first . For as long as it took my body to heal , I would not have cared . Weeks later I would have hated myself . Being so close . There is a reason soldiers move in platoons . I
will do this challenge as many times as the years allow me . I will come back wiser as I have learnt so much .
SBBU 2023 changed me . All I can say to all the SBBU challengers , live the example you want to teach . Many , such as I , are watching , observing , and learning through you . You are our textbooks . I made loop 24 with only 3 minutes to spare , but I was changed for a lifetime by the people I met , and especially those who carried me .
All my love Chloe ( Claudette number 42 )
Number of Challengers : 24
• 100 kilometres : 23
• 100 miles : 1
Average time per loop of successful Challengers :
• 100 kilometres : 35 minutes , 01 seconds
• 100 miles : 45 minutes , 33 seconds
Gender split of Challengers :
• Male : 17 ( 71 %)
• Female : 7 ( 29 %)
Average age of Challengers : 46.8 years old
• Oldest : Blitz at 60 years old
• Youngest : Jedi and Badger at 27 years old
Number of successful Challengers : 19 ( 79 %)
• 100 kilometres : 18 ( 78 %)
• 100 miles : 1 ( 100 %)
Reasons for Challengers not finishing :
• 2 not completing a loop in 1 hour
• 3 quitting
Fastest successful Challengers :
• 100 kilometres : Marie of Troy with an average loop time of 28 minutes , 21 seconds
• 100 miles : Crazy Hazy with an average loop time of 45 minutes , 33 seconds
Slowest successful 100 kilometre Challenger :
• RamRod with an average loop time of 41 minutes , 26 seconds
Last Challengers to be disqualified :
• Jedi and Exhaustides on loop number 15
Note : 2022 stats exclude the “ Flightless Eagles ” youth team which successfully completed the Challenge but which was instantly DQ ’ d as no teams are allowed .