Sparks After School June 2014 | Page 3

Camp fire

As one of the nation’s largest children’s organizations dedicated to youth development, Camp Fire has a long and rich history. The agency was founded in 1910 as the first non-sectarian, interracial organization for girls by Dr. and Mrs. Luther Halsey Gulick. Built on the American traditions of pioneering and Indian lore, our guiding values are self-reliance, the importance of community and environmental education. Seeing the need to offer a place where boys and girls could work together as peers, Camp Fire became co-ed in 1975.

One of the greatest strengths of Camp Fire is its ability to anticipate, plan and adapt to change. Today’s children are confronted with challenges unlike any generation before, and Camp Fire continues its tradition of listening to the needs of young people, responding with exciting, relevant programs.

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity

to find their spark,

lift their voice, and

discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within