Sparkfactor Capabilities Sparkfactor Capabilities | Page 11

primAry loCKup Most Uses tagline size and configUration can not be altered
BrAnd mArK [ solo ] liMited Use : only as approved within MK & g branded environMents and Materials only . the fUll firM naMe “ the law firM of Merlo KanofsKy & gregg ltd . shoUld always appear in copy in the saMe page / view
mK & g soCiAl loCKup liMited Use : for web , scocial Media , and in MK & g branded environMents only ( e . g . Merlolaw facebooK page ), or where extreMe space restrictions apply . the fUll firM naMe “ the law firM of Merlo KanofsKy & gregg ltd . shoUld always appear in copy in the saMe page / view along with this locKUp
Our Firm Our Practice Our Attorneys Contact us social MERLO KANOFSKY & GREGG Ltd . 208 S . LASALLE StREEt , SuitE 1750 , ChiCAGO , iLLiNOiS 60604 t : 312.553-5500 F : 312.553.1586 iNFO @ MERLOLAw . COM
MK & G Rebrand
The Law firm of Merlo kanofsky & gregg , 2012
Long-time client Merlo Kanofsky & Gregg needed a sophisticated , powerful brand to reflect their positioning within the legal community . Leadership also saw this as an opportunity to speak to its associates through branding . Their aim was to convey a fresh , professional , lifestyle-oriented brand to boost employee engagement and help attract high quality talent . We developed a unique brand mark , collateral , and expression guide . The brand image became a banner for employee pride , survived the addition of a partner , and continues to receive accolades from peers . merlo KenofsKy & gregg BrAnd mArK loCKups merlo KenofsKy & gregg photogrAphy style guide for portrAits ross d . roloff rdr @ merlolaw . com o : 312.683.7183 m : 312.553.5500
208 South laSalle Street , Suite 1750 chicago , illinoiS 60604
merlolaw . com
Merlo Kanofsky & Gregg Ltd . was founded in 1992 to provide our corporate , insurance industry and insurance policyholder clients with the high level of civil litigation experience associated with larger firms and the flexibility and personalized attention associated with smaller firms . These attributes enable us to provide our clients with high quality , cost-effective litigation services and solutions .