SPARK Winter 2016-2017 | Page 10

What is your favourite wildlife that you’ve seen around Halley? What do you like to do for time off when you’re not working? It has to be penguins! They are so charming and funny. Sometimes in the summer we’ll have Adélie penguins, that walk from the coast. I think they get lost and end up following the flags that we use to mark out routes to the station. We have an Emperor penguin colony that’s quite close on the coast and they’ve started to visit now that the weather has been better. They walk right up to you and squawk, chirp and look at you.. they have no fear and are curious because no animals attack them. If it’s calm and sunny, we go out and enjoy a sport called skijoring. This is when you go skiiing and you’re pulled along by a skidoo (which is a like a motorbike for snow)! I also like kite skiing, where you have a big kite. Which is your favourite area of the building? It has to be my office. It’s definitely the best room in the building because I’ve got 360 degree windows so I can see out on all sides. Just being able to sit here and say: “Oh there’s a halo (a circle of light around the sun)” or “there’s a beautiful sunset”.. you get to see it all. When it’s a clear day to the south I can see the wind zone, where the ice sheet meets the continent. The ice cracks up and it’s very dramatic. enguins Emperor p ichel stopher M ri h Photo: C Adélie peng uins Photo: Chad ica 10 SPARK