Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 82

because we have walked the planet. Think of what Richard Bach once wrote: “Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.” I invite you to focus on each of the seven elements if you want to experience real wealth. Money alone does not define being wealthy. There are many rich people who are unhappy and unsuccessful as human beings. By focusing on elevating all seven of these areas to world – class levels, you will not only shine ever so brightly for all those around you – you will also find a contentment that lasts. 72. Apply the U2 Standard U2 is one of the coolest rock bands in the world. But that’s not the main reason I love them. Yes, their music is fantastic. Yes, their songs are often profound. Yes, their live performances are brilliant (just watch their DVD Go Home: Live from Slane Castle if you have any doubt). But what really draws me to U2 is their unrelenting commitment to getting better – no matter how great they become. It’s not about the money for them. It’s not about the fame. It’s not about getting on magazine covers. It’s mostly about refusing to accept anything less than mastery as their standard. As Bono observed: “That’s the thing about U2. the band always feels like it’s coming, never that it’s arrived.” Beautiful. All great leaders, serial innovators, successful entrepreneurs and superstar creatives have that ever – present longing deep within their souls to do, be and see something special during their lives. Every single one of them has that fire in her belly. Sure you could call their insatiable hunger somewhat unhealthy and suggest hat such people lack contentment. And you’d be right. But as I suggested in an earlier chapter, these are the very people who have given us the progress of the world, these are the men and women who have built spectacular businesses and organizations that add value to our lives. The people who have provided us with the genius inventions that make things easier. The scientists who help us live with better health and longer lifespans. The human beings who have allowed us the chance to witness beautiful art and wonderful music. Greatness arrives for those who are never satisfied with what is, no matter how nice it looks. Yes, one must find happiness in life. And we need to enjoy the journey. Definitely. I evangelize that message everywhere I go. Life balance is unbelievably important. All I’m saying is that too many among us have gone to the other extreme. Chasing happiness, inner peace and balance while leaving the natural instinct to create something spectacular at the side of life’s highway like yesterday’s roadkill. In doing so, they’ve fallen out of balance. And missed out on one of the main reasons to be alive: to create. To shine. To be great. Greatness arrives for those who are never Satisfied with what is, no matter how nice it looks. So apply the U2 Standard. Each day – and every day until you take your last breath. Feel like you are coming – never that you’ve arrived. Strive for mastery and brilliance and excellence, in all that you do. You’ll join the realm of those rare individuals who reached the end feeling few regrets and little remorse. You’ll delight in the fact that you squeezed out the best from life and played out loud. You’ll feel that true sense of happiness that all of us aspire to but so few of us ever reach. And guess what else? When you’re in heaven’s waiting room – you just might get to meet Bono.