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71 . The Seven Forms of Wealth
I just gave a full – day leadership seminar attended by managers and executives of companies like American Express , Infosys , The Gap and Dell . One of the ideas that many of the people in the room told me was most helpful was my “ Seven Forms of Wealth ” model that I ’ ve been sharing with our the past year .
In my mind , wealth isn ’ t just about making money . There are actually seven elements that you want to raise to world – class levels before you call yourself rich . I ’ ll identify them :
Inner Wealth : This includes a positive mindset , high self – respect , internal peace and a strong spiritual connection .
Physical Wealth : Your health is your wealth . What ’ s the point of getting to a great place in your career if you get sick doing it ? Why be the best businessperson in the hospital ward ? Why be the richest person in the graveyard ?
Family and Social Wealth : When your family life is happy , you will perform better at work . No one gets to the end of their life and regrets making their family their first priority . Related to this is the imperative of forgoing deep connections with friends and members of your personal community ( including mentors , role models and trusted advisors ).
Career Wealth : Actualizing your highest potential by reaching for your best in your career is incredibly important . Getting to greatness in your profession brings a feeling of satisfaction on a job well done . It helps you make your mark , being world class in your work is so good for your self – respect .
Economic Wealth : Yes , money is important . Not the most important thing in life but very important . It absolutely makes life easier and better : Money allows you to live in a nice home , take beautiful vacations and provide well for those you love . And as Yvon Chouinard , the founder of the outdoor gear company Patagonia , has said : “ The more I make , the more I can give away .”

There are actually seven elements that you want To raise to world – class level before You call yourself rich .

Adventure Wealth : To be fulfilled , each of us needs mystery in our lives . Challenge is necessary for happiness . The human brain craves novelty . And we are creative beings so we need to be creating constantly if we hope to feel joy . Lots of adventure ( ranging from meeting new people to visiting new places ) is an essential element of authentic wealth .
Impact Wealth : Perhaps the deepest longing of the human heart is to live fro something greater than itself . Each of us craves to be significant . To make a difference . To know that the world has somehow been better