Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 67

58. Build Success Structures Yesterday, on my way in to work, I pulled up next to one of those big new Mercedes sedans. The man driving it had his windows rolled down a bit so I heard the song blaring through his stereo system: Queen’s “We Are the Champions.” Made me think of a CEO who attended one of the leadership summits we run a couple of times a year. He operates a major company. Wanted to improve his organization along with his life. Told me he listens to AC/DC’s “Back in Black” full blast before his big sales calls. Interesting. What practices get you to your best? What rituals throw you into your best game mode? What tactics inspire you to really get going to let your bright light shine? We all need what I call Success Structures scheduled into our weeks to ensure we stay at our highest. We all need systems installed into our days to ensure consistency of results, order and superb outcomes. The best companies have systems to ensure quality control – so should you. Get serious about building systems and you’ll show you’re serious about success. Things that work for me, as I’ve suggested include lots of exercise, high – energy music, reading great books, weekly meetings – even if for only 15 minutes on the phone – with inspirational friends and writing in my journal. They get built into my week just like my most important meetings (and time with my kids). We all need systems installed Into our days to ensure consistency of results, Order and superb outcomes. Success doesn’t just occur. It’s a project that is worked on each day. You need to swim out to it. You need to make it happen (along with letting it happen – once you’ve given your best.) As Vaclav Havel once observed: “Vision is not enough; it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up to the step; we must step up the stairs.” So what will you do today to jump – start yourself? Don’t postpone your greatness. Your time is now. And if not now. Then when?