Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 66

57. Good Business Is Good for Business Here’s a simple idea that will have a fantastic impact on your organization (and your career) once you act on it: People want to work for a good company – one that is not only well – run but that does its part to build a better world. Being a good business is good for business. That’s not some cheesy slogan I just came up with – that’s what I’ve observed, having worked with real people at real companies around the world. The best companies have a noble purpose and a clear intent to treat their people and their customers well. Great companies also understand that while it’s mission – critical to be hugely profitable, it’s also mission – critical to be socially responsible. Many of our clients have set up programs to help the disadvantaged or to make communities better. I admire them more than they will ever know. Pride is something that doesn’t get talked about much in business circles. Too bad. What I’ve discovered is that people want to go to work each day with pride in their hearts. They want to feel good about the company they work for. They want to know that their company – and the work they do – elevates lives and makes a difference. Business philosopher Peter Koestenbaum expressed it so well in his excellent book Leadership: The Inner Si de of Greatness: “Business is above all a vehicle for achieving personal and organization greatness. It is for accomplishing something worthy and noble. Business is an institution that can enable you to make significant contributions to society.” People want to work for A good company - one that is not only Well – run but that does its part to Build a better world. As I’ve suggested throughout this book, we all can lead without title. We all have an impact. We all can do good, at work – and in our communities. So become a volunteer. Give money to charities. Start to tithe (the word actually means one – tenth, or 10%) your income to good causes. And as an organization, engage in projects that help communities in need (by setting up a foundation or by supporting important initiatives). Become dedicated to making a greater contribution. Stand for social responsibility as well as remarkable profitability. Not only will you retrain your top talent and attract even more, but your customers will respect you. Good business really is good for business. And giving really does begin the receiving process.