Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 40

service to others, realize more of our potential and become better citizens on the planet. We must continually walk toward our fears and make more of our lives. We must constantly play a bigger game and use our creative talents to do, be and see more. This drive to realize more of our greatest selves has, I believe, been knitted into our DNA and to deny it is to deny our human nature. This world was built by people Who felt some discontent with the way things Were and knew they could do better. And yes, as we set higher dreams and raise our personal standards, we will create some discontent. But this world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way things were and knew they could do better. “Show me a completely contented person and I’ll show you a failure,” observed Thomas Edison. Politically incorrect these days, I know. But I think he was speaking truth. The greatest among us were not satisfied with the way things were. Think Gandhi. Think Mother Teresa. Think Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Think Bill Gates. Thin Einstein. Think Mandela. So love what you have. And then go for what you want. Enjoy the climb up the mountain. But never take your eyes off the summit. 33. Think like a CEO I spoke to the leadership team of Satyam Computer Services a few months ago. Amazing company. One of Asia’s fastest growing IT firms: zero to $1 billion in less than 10 years. 23,000 employees. The chairman is a visionary. I’ll share one of his powerful ideas. There are 1500 top managers at Satyam. They run 1500 different divisions and functions. So he tells them that they are not really managers – they are the CEO’s of their own small businesses. The larger corporation is simply an “investor” that they need to keep happy. It provides them with resources, structures and opportunities. They just have to return results. The concept inspires them to take ownership of their functional areas and behave like entrepreneurs. It gets them to act like real leaders. It encourages them to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Brilliant. Take personal responsibility for the success Of your business. Show up like an entrepreneur. Grow sales. Cut costs. Get good stuff done.