Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 29

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 MI S CELLA N E O U S OB 29 OAK BAY STARS “O a k B ay St a r s” is o ur ow n rewa rds pro gra m th at gi ves stu d ent s a c han ce to l ea r n a n d ea r n ! Students w ith the m o st sta r s at th e en d o f s um m er w il l w in big! Summer BONUS Receive kumon+ bonus points when you stay enrolled this summer. Register for kumon+ and receive 5 BONUS POINTS, per month, per subject, when you stay enrolled in Kumon during June, July, and August 2017. (Promotion valid only for centres in AB, BC, MB, SK, YT) Have a question? Contact kumon+ Monday to Friday 8AM–11PM EST at 1-800-711-0584 or [email protected]. 6 prizes of 750 bonus points Already registered for kumon+? Don’t worry, you’ll automatically receive BONUS POINTS when you stay enrolled. New students enrolling in the math or reading program after May 31, 2017 are not eligible for this promotion. To receive bonus points, students must be registered in kumon+ by the last day of the previous month. Students are eligible for one grand prize entry per month enrolled. Grand prize winners will be drawn in September 2017. Bonus points will always be applied in the following month. ENOUGH FOR AN iPAD MINI!