Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 28

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 28 MI SCELLA N E OU S JOIN US AS AN OWNER OF THE #1 EDUCATION FRANCHISE A s n a m e d by E n tre pre n e u r M agaz i n e LEARN MORE ABOUT STARTING YOUR OWN KUMON FRANCHISE WHY KUMON? Becoming a Kumon owner will change your life — and the lives of students in Look forward to fresh challenges 3. Meeting with parents regularly and new rewards every day, as to help prospective parents under- you experience the freedom and stand the difference Kumon can You’ll get to know local parents while happiness of being your own boss. make in the lives of their children, helping their children gain an academic while also ensuring your existing advantage that will carry them through parents are maximizing their chil- school and beyond. You’ll spend your time: your community. dren’s learning and engagement, 1. Assessing and guiding your stu- From student success in math and dents and celebrating their suc- 4. Embracing your new entre- reading to the business success of your cesses as they complete their work- preneurial challenges including centre, Kumon delivers results—and a sheets following our self-learning recruiting and managing your more meaningful, rewarding career. method of math and reading. staff, managing finances and budgets, and taking advantage 2. Working more actively with of our ongoing resources that your younger students to ensure can help you build your market- they successfully navigate their ing programs. first worksheets, and start build- ing momentum and confidence.