Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 19

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 In C 121-160, students must mentally calculate the quotients and remainders of horizontal division problems. This will help develop the mental calculation ability necessary for C 161-200. When the problems become more difficult, they may need to be guided with steps. In C 161-180, students should not write out the steps. At first, they may need to, but encourage them to do these problems mentally. KUM O N ST U DI E S Level D In Worksheets D 81-150, students develop their estimation ability and improve their number sense. In the first set of this learning block, D 81-90, the divisor is either 21, 31, or 41. These divisors are used because they involve no carryovers, and students therefore become used to dividing using the whole divisor rather than only the first digit of the divisor. The divisor is 31 for every problem in D 85-87. While studying these worksheets, Instructors can use previous problems as a hint for students to find quotients to later problems. Students can use previous problems with the same divisor to help find the quotient to the next problems. Using the same divisor helps students develop estimation gradually and their ability to find quotients without relying on side calculations. Try to develop the students’ ability to estimate quotients in this section. Multiplication calculations on the side of the page are a sure indication that estimation skills are not fully developed. 19 In Worksheets C 161- 200, students should not write out the steps. The instructions say, “Divide. Write only the answers.” Students can begin this section by finding the quotient and remainder mentally, by using their mental calculation skills developed in horizontal division, C 111-160.