Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] Spark PILOT 2017 [Kumon Oak Bay Victoria] | Page 18

S PA R K M a g a z i n e | P I L O T 2 0 1 7 18 KUM O N ST U DI E S Levels 3A-A Studying horizontal addition and subtrac- tion in 3A 71 to A 200 helps develop students’ mental calculation skills, which are very useful when studying verti- cal addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication and division. These skills can help students prog- ress smoothly through higher-level study. The combination of develop- ing mental addition and mental subtraction skills will prepare students for the written calculations in Level B. Levels B-C In Levels B and C, we aim for students to solve the problems without having to write the carries or borrows. Students who are able to keep the carries or borrows in their head can develop their calculation efficiency in higher levels. Ideally, we should aim for students to solve vertical addition and subtraction problems without writing the carries or borrows. Some students will be able to keep the carries in their head right away. For other students, this will be a gradual process. In the beginning, it may be necessary to write the carried numbers. Once students are able to grasp the process of vertical addition, we can ask them to try to keep the carried numbers in their head. By developing this ability early on, when students begin studying Level C, they can solve the vertical multiplication problems without writing carries. This is also important for the 2-digit-by-2-digit multiplication in Level D. In Level B, students are introduced to vertical addition without any instructions. Students should use their mental calculation skills learned in Levels 3A-A to complete the vertical addition problems mentally, without writing their carries. For example, on B 11b problem (22), students have to complete ‘13+7’. Students should complete these problems using previously learned addition. For example, ‘13+7’ can be seen here on 2A 109a.