Spar Women's Race Digimag Spar Women's Race Joburg | Page 10

CHARITIES cer Fight Against Can the Biggest Beulah Jankelowitz of Reach For Recovery (far left) receives a cheque for R70 000.00 from SPAR Marketing Executive Martin Webber and Cancer Patron Edith Venter after the 2018 SPAR Women’s Challenge Joburg race at Marks Park Sports Club Cancervive at the Race O ne in eight women in South Africa is likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at some stage in her life. This is a staggering statistic, but the good news is that breast cancer is no longer necessarily a death sentence. Early detection and treatment have made it possible for the majority of breast cancer patients to survive. However, having a partial or full mastectomy is a traumatic experience for any woman, and many struggle to come to terms with the loss of what they believe is an essential part of their femininity. They may also be scared of the path that lies ahead, and this is where Reach for Recovery comes in. options. The patients are given booklets and pamphlets dealing with various topics relating to breast cancer. This is where Reach for Recovery comes into the picture. Every member of the organisation has been through the process and can relate to the concerns and fears of the newly diagnosed cancer patient. Volunteers will visit the patient, either at home or in hospital, to talk Many members of Reach for Recovery take part in the SPAR Women’s Challenge Joburg every year, and they are easily identified by their pink T-shirts, but also because wherever they are, there is the sound of laughter and chatter. So spend some time talking to about what they are likely to experience, and to give advice and discuss the 10 Also, the patients are given a soft cushion for under-arm comfort, and a pretty floral bag in which to carry the port-au-vac drain that has to be carried around after surgery. Reach for Recovery also supplies a temporary prosthesis, if needed, and can advise on the different prostheses available, if the patient is not having reconstructive surgery. The work these women do is invaluable and they rely heavily on donations to be able to carry out their work. Happy to Chat them and find out more about life after a mastectomy. It will be time well spent. Spar Women’s Challenge | Joburg’s Most Beautiful Road Race Pictured at the recent Cancervive launch in August at Time Square Arena in Tshwane is from left Lizelle Knott (Non-Hodgkins B-Cell Lymphoma, Breast Cancer and Metastatic Breast Cancer Warrior), Itumeleng Letoaba (Breast Cancer Survivor), Naniki Seboni (Malignant Melanoma Survivor), Lillian Dube (Breast Cancer Survivor) and Fredrika Henning (Breast Cancer) Remember Your Old Shoes Just another reminder that the Spar Women’s Challenge Joburg will once again be running its Drop a Pair and Show you Care campaign, whereby runners can bring old pairs of trainers to the race to be handed on to women and girls who have no running shoes, or cannot afford new ones. Since the campaign was first launched in 2015, hundreds of pairs of shoes have been donated to needy runners, so if you have a pair collecting dust at home, please bring them along and help get another woman running. The SPAR Women’s Challenge Joburg at Mark Park Sports Club on Sunday 6 October is all about the women of Joburg getting together to have fun, but there is also a serious side to the Challenge. The fight against cancer, one of the country’s most prolific diseases, will be the biggest beneficiary from the Challenge, with proceeds from the race to be donated to Reach for Recovery, a voluntary non- profit support group for women who have to have breasts removed because of breast cancer. With the SPAR Women’s Challenge Joburg being run in breast cancer awareness month, the race organisers have confirmed that Cancervive will also be at Marks Park on race day. Cancervive is a survivor driver initiative and was established in response to the dire need for cancer education in South Africa. On race day, Cancervive will create awareness of and drive education around cancer in a truly original, impactful and life-changing way, through activations that involve the thousands of women who will be participating in the Challenge.