Spanish constitution | Page 2

Sunday, 5 February, 2016 1

Article 132

1.La ley regulará el régimen jurídico de los bienes de dominio público y de los comunales, inspirándose en los principios de inalienabilidad, imprescriptibilidad e inembargabilidad, así como su desafectación.

2.Son bienes de dominio público estatal los que determine la ley y, en todo caso, la zona marítimo-terrestre, las playas, el mar territorial y los recursos naturales de la zona económica y la plataforma continental.

3.Por ley se regularán el Patrimonio del Estado y el Patrimonio Nacional, su administración, defensa y conservación.

1. The law shall lay down the rules governing public and communal property, on the basis that it shall be inalienable, exempt from prescription and seizure, and it shall also provide for the case of disaffectation from public purpose.

2. Assets under the State’s public property shall be those established by law and shall, in any case, include the foreshore beaches, territorial waters and the natural resources of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf. Development of certain economic branches Planning of general economic activity Special Economic Council Public domain and communal property Public property

3. The State’s Domain and the National Heritage, as well as their administration, protection and preservation, shall be regulated by law.