return to Spain. Once she arrived, she signed a contract with Nutrytec Sport and they are still her sponsor.
After her two short visits to Los Angeles CA where she discovered she could better promote her fitness career, she decided to leave Spain in 2008 and travel to Los Angeles again. It was a hard decision as she travelled alone, only 23 years old and the most difficult thing was that she didn’t speak English. Although it was quite difficult in the beginning, she started being known in the world of fitness. Many fitness photographers took pictures of her and the best ones wanted to work with her too. Professionals like Ralph Dehaan, magazine photographers like Flex, Musclemag international, Women’s Physique World, Body Fitness and the great considered Robert Reiff, who works in magazines like Flex, Muscle Fitness, Titan Sport and American Curves. intellegam eloquentiam.
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Because of his prestige, he has taken photos for Jean Claude Van Damme, Prince, Clint Eastwood and many times for Arnold Schwarzeneger.
Marina was working there as a fitness model for two years but she used to go back to Spain to visit her family and she spent long terms there. While she was in Los Angeles, she began a relationship with the actor Derrick Pierce. Things seemed to go well in their relationship, they went to Spain to meet Marina’s family but at the end of 2009, they broke up. Later she got married in Las Vegas with an English bodybuilder with whom she returned to Spain at the beginning of 2010 with. Her marriage lasted only a few months, and during this hard separation she travelled to Thailand. After a new contract with her new manager in California, she had to return to Las Vegas in September 2012 to work in Olympia and later in Arnold and perhaps to compete too. But she couldnt because she had found out in August that she was pregnant with her actual boyfriend, an English guy she had met after her marriage ended.
For this reason, she couldn’t return to California as she wanted to have her baby in Spain near her family.
Nowadays after a split with her baby’s father, she confesses she is living her best moment. Despite of being a single mother, she has become a braver woman and her son Dylan is the best thing that could have happened in her life. Now she is training again to jump back to centre stage and compete again in Spain. So we’ll see her soon in Spanish magazines.
Vis kasd illud exerci te. Cum et brute appetere, duo ex dicunt consectetuer, id nihil delenit nam. Ei eum tation meliore eloquentiam, augue viderer legimus qui ea. Ei his vivendo vivendum. Kasd voluptua cu nam, sea at malis viris.