SpainLINKED online magazine - ISSUE TWO - September 2012 Issue Two - September 2012 | Page 58


After spending a year competing and after visiting the world championship, she decided to go on holidays to Los Angeles, California to get to know the famous and loved Gold Gym in Venice Beach.

A week had passed when the photographer Jerry Fredick fixed his eyes on her and prepared a photographic report for the magazine Ironman.

In 2007, Marina continued her hard training and preparing to compete in the next year. She competed in several fitness championships in Spain and at the same time, her works as a fitness model were more important in magazines, catalogues and calendars. That year she decided to return to Los Angeles, CA in order to attend to the Ironman Championship. When she arrived there, the photograher Mike Yurkovic met her to shooot some photos for the magazine Muscular Development. Other photographers wanted to work with her but in that short period there wasn´t enough time for that and she had to return to Spain. Once she arrived, she signed a contract with Nutrytec Sport ans she is still her sponsor.

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Marina Ruiz Gómez Limón, known as Marina Brass, was born on the 18th of December 1984 in Malaga, Spain. Her father is from Málaga and her mother is from Córdoba and she’s got a sister five years older than her.

Since she was very young, she showed her great interest in sport. She started working when she was 17 years old in different sport centers in the city as a funky and hip hop trainer. Although she used to go to the gym every day, she never visited the weight lifting machines until she was 20 when she met a bodybuilder guy who encouraged her to train. That was how she got interested in fitness and the results were soon incredible. In only seven months of training and only when she was 21 years old, she began competing and receiving great triumphs. Some sport magazines and trades paid attention to her and from this moment on, her great career as a fitness model started.

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Pro dico definitionem ex. Cum ea puto legere altera, magna minimum contentiones ut cum, mei posse harum appareat ne. Nam mutat consectetuer cu. Vero gubergren quo at, kasd graeco efficiendi vix ea.

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