Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 66

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
any discussion emerged regarding how sectors are categorized and evaluated as each set of approvals was recommended by congressional inquiry and then validated by Executive Order or Presidential Policy Directive from the four most recent Presidents . Seven of the sixteen areas are assigned directly to DHS and two more are shared , or were , prior to CISA ’ s emergence . The Department of Health and Human Services owns one area and shares one , while the Departments of Defense , Energy , Treasury , and the Environmental Protection Agency each focus on one area . A framework similar to the one used later in the paper to evaluate space CI hypotheses could be equally enacted by a simple mandated congressional reporting structure based on economic value , public health , and national security to score yearly or biannually to validate infrastructure protection needs .
3 . Comparing CI Sectors

Sixteen infrastructure protection categories currently exist and evaluating each in depth would take many more pages than available during each discussion so instead , this paper treated those functions largely as aggregated functions for hazardous materials , manufacturing , life sustaining services , digital spaces , and government and governance functions . Each section has been aggregated to cover 2-4 of the existing sectors based on their similarity to other functions . Only a top level look is considered for individual functions without considering individual economic revenues or unique capabilities . Multiple ways probably exist to parse the existing sixteen sectors for different factors or integrations , and even parsed , some of the sectors are likely large enough to require multiple liaisons from government and commercial domains . Hazardous materials as the first grouping includes the chemical and nuclear sectors which covers a requirement to safely transport products . Both sectors contribute to space sector usefulness in terms of fuel or power while neither creates a direct dependent link . A second grouping designation would be life sustaining for water and wastewater , dams , food and agriculture , and energy . Dams and energy both provide power in a different manner from nuclear and requiring less waste transport although still support daily needs . At the same time , water and food again deliver necessities for daily life through public health and safety . The life sustaining grouping would more likely supply secondary dependent links to those working in space areas such as supporting ground control and manufacturing . Current satellites usually receive power from either internal fuel or solar power once launched . The below chart ( Table 1 ) describes the grouping for all five aggregated sectors .

The third grouping , manufacturing includes commercial facilities , critical manufacturing , and the Defense Industrial Base . All three sections would tie tightly to space infrastructure aspects although no specific cross coordination emerges . The Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency lists the four critical manufacturing components as primary metals , machinery , electrical