Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 65

Evaluating Space as the Next Critical Infrastructure Sector
quired elements ( Bush , 2003 ). While the DHS continued to monitor and track changes from below the policy level , the next significant change was 2013 when Presidential Policy Directive 21 ( PPD-21 ) outlined federal infrastructure protection roles through clarifying functional relationships , enabling efficient information exchange , and implementing an integration and analysis functions ( Goss , 2014 ). This directive accomplished two other key functions , establishing an independent analysis center for physical effects on infrastructure , and another center for cyber effects . Further , PPD-21 expanded the critical sectors to 16 , where the number stands today .
The next CI security change was launching the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency ( CISA ) as a DHS branch . On November 16 , 2018 , President Trump signed the 2018 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act into law which elevated the former National Protection and Programs Directorate ( NPPD ) within DHS to establish CISA and included the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center ( NC- CIC ). CISA ’ s priorities are federal network protection , comprehensive cyber protection , infrastructure resilience and field operations , and emergency communications . rior to CISA , NCCIC had realigned in 2017 to integrating like functions previously performed by the U . S . Computer Emergency Readiness Team ( US-CERT ) and the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team ( ICS-CERT ) independently ( CISA , 2020 ). The changes might lead one to consider whether any physical CI protection , or independent cyber defense are still being considered as vital components for the sixteen CI families , an interesting topic but outside this paper ’ s scope .
Although the agency remains new , the assumed responsibilities include all features previously managed by DHS as the National Security Agency assumes all signal intelligence responsibilities for the Department of Defense . CISA ’ s budget for 2020 was $ 2B with the planned budget for 2021 as $ 1.75B ( DHS , Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency : Budget Overview , 2020 ). This contrasts sharply with the formal DHS budget for 2020 of $ 51B ( DHS , FY2020 Budget in Brief , 2020 ). CISA was included as part of the overall DHS budget but has the lowest budget rating of all designated areas . The CISA numbers match the budget requirement for the U . S . Secret Service but are surpassed by “ Other ” at 4 % and then U . S . Citizenship and Immigration Services at 5 %. The two highest budget areas for DHS are the Federal Emergency Management Agency at 31 % and U . S . Customs and Border Protection at 23 % ( DHS , FY2020 Budget in Brief , 2020 ). The miniscule $ 2B overall budget is only . 5 % when compared to the interest paid on national debt and only 30 % of launch revenues as the lowest producing economic sector for space ( Amadeo , 2020 ).
While centrally managing CI as a U . S . federal responsibility for almost 25 years , no consistent method exists to evaluate whether to included new CI areas discard old ones . Neither has