Space Education & Strategic Applications Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2020/Winter 2021 | Page 28

Space Education and Strategic Applications Journal
Palabras clave : líderes , pandemia , COVID-19 , habilidades de liderazgo , rasgos característicos , responsabilidad , potencial , con visión de futuro , modelo
美国公立大学系统 : 培养我们的未来领导者
通常 , 一场灾害或危机能突出我们的领导者及其领导能力 。 的确 , 当前的大流行让我们检视国家和地方领导者的能力 。 一名领导者的大流行响应举措有多好或多差已成为领导力评 价的一个基准 。 领导者是如何诞生的 ? 他们是天生的吗 ? 从 许多人中发现 , 一些必要的领导技能的确源于典型特征 。 这 些领导力特征包括耐心 、 关爱 、 共情 、 决断力和高效规划 。 如果他们生来就具备这些特征 , 但从未获得机会发挥领导能 力呢 ? 答案是 , 他们保持处于潜在领导者的状态 。
关键词 : 领导者 , 大流行 , 新冠肺炎 ( COVID-19 ), 领导 力技能 , 典型特征 , 问责 , 潜能 , 前瞻性思维 , 模范

It is often a disaster or crisis that highlights our leaders and their leadership capabilities . Certainly , the current pandemic has caused us to scrutinize the abilities of our national and local leaders . How well or how bad a leader responded to the pandemic has become a benchmark for leadership evaluation . How are leaders created ? Are they born to it ? Sure , some required leadership skills are born from characteristic traits found in many people . These leadership characteristics include patience , caring , empathy , decisiveness , and efficient planning . What then , if they are born to it , but are never presented with an opportunity to actually lead ? The answer is they remain in a state of potential .

Leaders Need Nurturing Too

New and current leaders must be nurtured if they are to grow and become effective . Especially now , in a pandemic , leaders are called upon to communicate , plan , organize , and implement solutions . Nurturing leaders and future leaders are exactly why American Public University System ( APUS ) matters . The University ’ s core values of accessibility , innovation , integrity , learning , and quality can be seen as the building blocks for the leadership characteristics needed to effectively and bravely communicate challenges .