For many years, people have wondered about the possibility of life on Mars because of the planet's proximity and similarity to Earth. Previous missions to Mars supported that at one time, Mars had rivers and other bodies of water, which lead people to believe that life could have been possible on the planet. Mars’ atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon, but it lacks oxygen, it also has a much lower pressure than the atmosphere of Earth, both these factors are essential for life to be sustainable.
Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system has a mostly thick atmosphere, and it’s made up mainly of gas. What makes this planet inhospitable to life, other than its made up mostly of gasses, is that it absorbs heat from the sun and produces twice as much heat, causing it to be an extremely hot planet.
Saturn, the second biggest planet in our solar system, is also inhospitable to life. The rings that Saturn is most known for are made from large masses of both rock and ice and the planet itself is made up mostly of helium and hydrogen gasses. The average temperature on Saturn is around -290 degrees Fahrenheit, extremely cold, making it impossible for life to be sustained.
Due to its rotation on its axis, the seasons on Uranus are so extreme that they are inhospitable to life. Also, its far distance from the sun causes its temperature to averages at around -350 degrees Fahrenheit; it’s extremely cold that it is considered to be a frozen planet. Its atmosphere is made up of 83% hydrogen, 15% helium and 2% methane, which also contributes to why this planet is inhospitable to life.
A number of factors make life on Neptune inhospitable to life. First, its temperature averages at around -373.27 degrees Fahrenheit; such freezing temperatures make Neptune inhospitable to life. Also, seasons on Neptune can last for more than 40 years, which means that the north and south pole are in complete darkness or complete sunlight continuously for 40 years or more, meaning that one may encounter sunrise only once in their life. Its atmosphere is thick and cloudy, and consists of 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and 1% methane, which also makes it inhospitable to human life. Finally, due to its extremely fast winds, it’s not only impossible for human life on Neptune, but plant life too.
The planet's atmosphere and temperatures are essential in order for it to be hospitable to life. Due to temperature extremes and inhospitable atmosphere, life on the planets in our solar system is impossible, but what if life exists on other planets in the universe that we still haven’t discovered…
Rana Bablli