Of all the planets in the solar system, Mercury is the closest one to the sun, yet not the hottest, and has the thinnest atmosphere, making it inhospitable to life. Due to its lack of atmosphere, the planet has no ability to trap the heat, which results in temperatures to move very fast from one extreme, exceedingly hot temperatures during the day, to the other, freezing cold temperatures at night. Also, gravity on mercury is significantly less than the gravity on earth; therefore living conditions would be drastically changed for any life forms that were able to sustain life in Mercury’s atmosphere. As for the moon that has a big impact on our planet? Well, Mercury has ZERO moons.
Venus is the second planet from the sun, and is known to be the hottest planet within the solar system, making it completely inhospitable to life. With an atmosphere that is mostly made up of carbon dioxide and huge clouds of sulfuric acid soaking up the heat from the extremely hot sun there is absolutely nothing about Venus that would make life sustainable. Venus, similar to Mercury has no moons and it also has extremely high atmospheric pressure, which further ensures that life on Venus is simply impossible.
What makes Earth the only planet able to sustain life? The Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system and has just one moon. It is the densest of all planets in the solar system, and its temperatures ranges between -127 degrees Fahrenheit and 136 degrees Fahrenheit, making the planet hospitable to life. The atmosphere of the planet Earth is made up of different gases that are essential for life, 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon and .03% carbon dioxide. In addition to the availability of oxygen, there is also an abundance of water, which makes Earth a suitable place for life to flourish. So what is it about the other planets that make them inhospitable to life?