Namaste an d
Jai sh ree Krish na
publication is
not complete
without input
from Dr
2015 marked a very significant milestone for SPA (UK) as it
celebrated its 40th Anniversary since it was established in 1975. It
is worth contemplating what this milestone actually means to SPA
(UK) and what has changed?
For SPA (UK) it means bringing into contact Prajapatis who
otherwise would have never met in their own town, from other cities,
across the world and over many generations. Added to this it has
been the platform from which so many members have networked,
shared their skills, their wisdom and, through community spirit,
supported individuals and communities across the world through
its charitable deeds. Did the founding members anticipated this is
the environment they were creating? Equally, did they anticipate the
incredible social change that the society has undergone? This 40th
Anniversary Souvenir Issue of Sandesh will shed some light on these
points through reports, articles, poems and the Theme topic...
The Theme for this year is ‘Changes over 40 years in the
Prajapati Samaj’ which is compiled from the HQ Officers’
reports and the Branch reports. It highlights that
whilst participation is reducing, the Samaj core values,
Seniors participation and charity activities remains
its biggest strength. My gratitude to Shri Ambubhai
for painstakingly working through all the material and
covering various points that you will be able to relate to
in the Theme article.
In this souvenir issue of Sandesh, we look back in time
with a collection of Samaj photos from 1940s and 1960s
in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kampala. We celebrate the
achievement of Amit Mistry, who is representing Great
Britain at the Tag Rugby World Cup in Australia, and
Jitubhai Mistry, who has been recognised as one of the
‘Jewels of Gujarat’. We were also fortunate to capture
an article from members attending the memorable
Narendra Modi gathering at the Wembley Stadium.
The Souvenir publication is not complete without
input from Dr Chandravadan of California. With his
wisdom and passion for writing, Dr Chandravadan
wrote dedicated poems, articles and congratulations
messages to mark the 40th Anniversary. We are very
grateful to the family for giving SPA (UK) permission to
publish these articles. We convey our best wishes for Dr
Chandravadan’s full and fast recovery from sudden and
unexpected illness.
Graphics Design - This year’s publication would
not have been possible without two Lead Graphics
Designers; the incredibly talented and creative Preeya
Mistry, who produced graphics design concepts and
the intricate Front Cover illustrations, and the calm
and creative Arun Mistry who translated these design
concepts into Branch reports and articles. Arun is
converting this year’s Sandesh into digital format for
e-publication which will increase Sandesh distribution.
My thanks also to Jemini Mistry for producing the
Graduation page design and to Jaimini Mistry for
providing on-call support. As always, my appreciation
to Nimisha Mistry for proof reading and my best wishes
and congratulations on the birth of the baby girl :).
Without the commitment and creativity of this team,
it would not be possible to produce this publication. I
present to you the 40th Anniversary Souvenir Sandesh.
vol. 40 | Prajapati Sandesh 2015 | www.prajapati.org.uk