We should be fully politically
A thought provoking quote by George Washington, the first US President:
“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy
members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America
among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
My hope is ever to see Prajapatis among
the foremost of communities to rise
and fight against the injustices mated
on the Hindus in this country and
elsewhere. What injustices?, you may
say. I ask you to look around you and
see how other communities are treated
You will read various reports on the
progress we have made through
SPA (UK), the branches and many
individuals. We are leading the way on
many fronts and it is great to see such
a strong community. Our community is
hailed as one of the best and we need to
maintain that status.
Prajapatis as individuals, now need to
make our personal contributions to the
political system. You may know that
there is going to be a General Election
My vision is for Prajapatis to once again
lead the way and make our mark by
ensuring that we are fully politically
engaged. Leading up to the election,
SPA (UK) will be sending out various
communications to give you the latest
information. I am quite happy to guide
you personally if required.
On a personal note I would like to thank
those who have supported this year’s
charity fund raising for WaterAid of
nearly £20,000, especially to Leicester
branch who raised half of it through
a single Dinner and Dance event. My
sincere thanks also go to all fellow
executives. Working practices of
the Charity Trustees will be slightly
different because of the revised
constitution, but members will benefit
from it. I wish you a Happy Deepawali
and hope that VS 2071 will bring you all
a lot of fulfilment.
dõs¡ A“¡ iyc¡ÃR>p
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L$üy„ lsy„ L¡$ crhóedp„ Ad¡fuL$p vy$r“epdp„ Þepe A“¡
õhs„Ósp“u bpbsdp„ A¡L$ ApNm ‘X$sp¡ v$¡i b“u
fl¡i¡. ApS>¡ lº„ ‘Z BÃRy>„ Ry>„ L¡$ Ap‘Zp¡ âÅ‘rs
kdpS> ‘Z AÞe kdpS>“u D‘f EW$u vy$r“epdp„
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âÅ‘rs k„v$¡idp„ Ap‘“¡ ÅZhp dmi¡ L¡$ Ap‘Zu
14 ipMpAp¡ kp’¡ dmu OZp„ n¡Óp¡dp„ âNrs L$fu R>¡
S>¡ Ap‘Zp„ kdpS>“u spL$ps R>¡. Ap‘Zp„ kdpS>“p„
L$pe®L$fp¡ riM A“¡ S>¥“ kdpS> kp’¡ dmu fpS>L$ue
fus¡ Ap‘Z“¡ S>¡ AÞepe ’pe R>¡ s¡ A„N¡ S>¡ s¡
k„õ’pAp¡ kdn fS|>Aps L$f¡ R>¡. Aphsp hj£ Aphu
fl¡gu fpô²$ ìep‘u Qy„V$Zudp„ sdpfp rhõspf“p L$ep
Dd¡v$hpfp¡ sdpfp dpV¡$ L¡$ rlÞvy$ kdpS>“¡ dpV¡$ klpe
ê$‘ ’B iL$i¡ s¡ ÅZu s¡“¡ sdpfp¡ ds Ap‘hp“u
sL$ g B g¡Å¡.
hj® v$fçep“ hp¡V$f A¡BX$ Q¡fuV$u dpV¡$ ‘p¥. 20,000
S>¡V$gp v$p““p¡ âhpl hl¡hX$phhp Ap‘ kh®“p¡ A“¡
Mpi L$fu“¡ g¡õV$f ipMp“p¡ Apcpf ìe¼s L$ê„$ Ry>„.
Ap‘ kh£“¡ qv$‘phgu“u iyc¡ÃR>p A“¡ “|s“ hj®“p
dp“v¹$ âdyM
ÆsycpB rd”u
SPA (UK) have been working closely
with political bodies to highlight how
the Hindu, Jain and Sikh communities
have been neglected and are not getting
their fair share of rewards. We are
making progress but a lot more needs
to be done. We have been successful
in establishing for the first time the All
Party Parliamentary Group for Hindus
(APPG) chaired by Bob Blackman MP for
Harrow East.
in the middle of 2015. I ask you to go out
and vote on polling day. In preparation
for that, please find out which of the
candidates in your constituency is going
to support you and particularly the
Hindu cause.
Jai Shree Krishna
Mr Jitubhai Mistry
SPA (UK) President