SPA UK Sandesh 2014 | Page 39

chatty, quick thinking and fast moving. However, too much vata reflects qualities such as insomnia and inability to focus. emotionally stable, calm temperament and patient. However, too much kapha reflects sluggishness. Pitta types tend to have qualities reflective of fire and water. These include a fiery personality, have fire burning within, intelligent, and goal oriented. They are great leaders and public speakers. However, too much pitta reflects qualities such as obsessed behaviour. How doshas become imbalanced? Kapha types tends to reflect qualities reflective of water and earth. These include a solid bodily frame, strong, The things you can do yourself to maintain doshas in good balance are to eat a dosha balancing diet, eat in a peaceful environment and adopt a lifestyle in accordance with Dincharya. Dual nature of doshas According to Ayurveda the three doshas are considered as the primary doshas. However, there are seven doshas Kapha: • Overeating • Spending too much time in a cool, damp climate • Not enough physical activity Vata: • Eating while anxious or depressed • Following an irregular daily routine • Going to bed late at night Dosha & Qualities Elements Day / Night Time Season Life Stage Vata Air (vayu) and space (Ether) 2am - 6am 2pm - 6pm Autumn moon/rain Old Age Pitta Fire and Water 10am - 2pm 10pm - 2am Spring / Summer sun/heat Teenage & Adult Kapha Water and Earth 6am - 10am 6pm - 10pm Winter wind Childhood Transformation Energy Lubrication Energy prevalent in the constitution. They occur in varying degrees and proportions due to the dual nature of doshas like Vata- Pitta prime, Pitta-Kapha prime, Vata-Kapha prime, and the all- inclusive Vata-Pitta-Kapha. These combinations of doshas change with external factors, but there is a general tendency towards one dosha. Keeping the biological energies in a calm state therefore promotes good health. Finally..... The Ayurvedic science of doshas has been practised for over 6,000 years. In modern times people forget the essential elements of nature; vata, pitta and kapha. It is in everyone’s interest to understand this Ayurvedic concept for good health and wellbeing! Article compiled by: Dinesh Mistry, Khushalbhai Kumar & Manjulaben B Nayee (Preston) 37 Various vegetables and grains exhibit essence of doshas. In Indian cooking spices can be used to balance dosha or to reduce the effect of dosha on our body. • Eating while angry • Over working • Overly competitive Typical examples of lifestyles that cause imbalance to the doshas are: Movement Energy How to maintain doshas in balance? Pitta: