SPA UK Sandesh 2014 | Page 38

Dincharya (Daily Routine) PITTA TA In Sanskrit ‘Din’ means ‘daily’ and ‘charya’ means ‘to follow’. Hence Dincharya means ‘to follow daily-routine’. According to Dincharya, there are two cycles of change each day that correlate with the concept of dosha: This is the Ayurvedic concept which states that humans have a ‘body clock’ around which the daily activities are based. The routines help to establish balance and promote good health. 1st Cycle: 6am - 10am Kapha (Day) 10am - 2pm Pitta 2pm - 6pm 2nd Cycle: 6pm - 10pm Kapha (Night) 10pm - 2am Pitta 2am - 6am 36 Vata Vata How Personal Characteristics are explained by Doshas? People with the predominant dosha constitution tend to have physical and mental qualities corresponding to its elemental qualities. People with the vata dominant dosha tends to reflect qualities of air and space. That is they tend to be naturally thin, lively,