o matter how compatible you are, at some point, you and your mate will find
yourselves on opposing sides of an opinion.
Once things heat up, you reach a crossroads where you can either argue or compromise.
How do you create a positive outcome out of a complicated situation?
Follow these 7 steps to compromise without losing yourself:
1. Really listen to what each of you actually wants
We can get so worked up over the issue that we stop listening and lose perspective. Find out exactly what would make your partner happy and then voice your own desires.
2.Create a common goal
The art of diplomacy is not about resolving all differences, but about creating agreement. What can you both agree to or on? What do you both want? Create a common goal or desired outcome for the situation at hand.
3. Look for what is possible
Rather than focusing on what you cannot or will not do, look for what is possible and start to inch towards each other.
*Embrace your power to negotiate (without becoming a score keeper). Relationships are give and take. If you were to compromise to please your partner, what could they do in another situation or category of your lives to make you feel like you were gaining too?
By Tanya Chernova
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