Southern Ulster Times, Wednesday, September 26, 2018
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Richard Gerentine, replete with his Italian Gatsby cap, serves fresh steamed clams.
The band All Too Real performed a variety of classic acoustic/
electric rock.
UNICO served a buffet of additional food for the event.
The Walkway Over the Hudson recently
had a human visitor who has traveled
to the vast reaches of Space; retired
United States
Army Colonel
Robert Shane
Kimbrough. He
was one of a
select few who
were chosen by
NASA after the
Space Shuttle
disinte g rated
upon re-entry
western United
Robert Kimbrough
States in 2003.
He is a veteran
of two space flights, first on the Space
Shuttle Endeavor launched from Florida,
followed by a 6 month stay aboard the
Russian International Space Station
Soyuz, logging a total of 189 days in space.
Senator Chuck Schumer, who spoke
to the audience via phone, said bringing
NASA and the Walkway together, “is a
match made in heaven, so to speak.”
Schumer said part of NASA’a mission
is to promote educational initiatives,
particularly in science, technology,
engineering and math - the STEM
“This is a wonderful example of how
NASA prizes educating the citizenry,
young and old, about the heavens and the
world in which we live,” he said. “I have
no doubt that [Walkway’s] Star Walk will
inspire students to reach for the stars and
to develop into the next generation of
world class American Scientists.”
Walkway Executive Director Elizabeth
Waldstein-Hart welcomed everyone to
their new Star Walk program that brings
people out onto the walkway on scheduled
evenings to listen to professionals talk
about space and to look into telescopes. It
was started a number of years ago with
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