Southern Ulster Times May 09 2018 | Page 4

Southern Ulster Times , Wednesday , May 9 , 2018

School budget vote for 2018-19 set for Tuesday , May 15

Marlboro Central School District
Budget : $ 56,888,880 - a 2.03 % increase in expenditures from the present school year Tax Levy : $ 34,778,968 - a 2.45 % increase from the present school year , the first increase since 2014-15 . This is within the tax cap limit and requires a simple majority of 50 % [ plus 1 vote ] approval rate to pass .
Four candidates are running for three seats on the School Board : Frank Milazzo , Tony Perugino , John Marro and JoAnn Reed .
Voting will take place at the Marlborough Town Hall meeting room , 21 Milton Turnpike , Milton [ site of the former Milton Elementary
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Highland is one we should be proud of and I am proud of this board because I know they worked very hard to keep those [ expense ] numbers down whenever possible , however , when you ’ re looking at issues of security , roofs not falling down on the children ’ s heads and the schools made warm for the kids , I think its very easy to make the choice of putting the money there .”
Meisel said serving on the school board has been a pleasure , “ with these people in particular and I look forward to , if you ’ ll have me , again for the next few years .”
Mike Bakatsias
Mike Bakatsias is running for a third term on the school board . He has lived in Highland for 20 years , his wife is a teacher and together they have three sons . He noted that next year he will have one son in each building in the district .
Bakatsias explained why he wants to continue serving on the school board .
“ I happen to be a very passionate supporter of public education . I believe it is an institution that makes this country great and will continue to do so in the future ,” he said . “ We have the best educational system in the world because of what we do and how we approach it ; we teach every child .”
Bakatsias said he is “ extremely ” proud of the school district ’ s accomplishments in the past few years ; the retention of innovative programs like STEM , getting more computer devices in the hands of students , continuing the Highland Foundation , and having a strong relationship between the school district and the wider Highland community .
Bakatsias said he wants to review and improve outdated school board policies and to re-examine student opportunities , especially by offering more elective courses to students .
“ I know we can ’ t have it all , I understand that , but
School ] from 6 a . m . to 9 p . m .
Highland Central School District
Budget : $ 45,280,769 – a 5.63 % increase from the current school year . Tax Levy : $ 28,000,464 – a 4.45 % increase from this year . Proposition 2 – an $ 8 million Capital Project that is designed to improve health conditions for students , upgrade some infrastructure items that are reaching the end of their useful life , improve energy efficiency and enhance some student programs . The project is considered tax neutral because of the funding structure : 28.5 % is replacing existing debt , 66.2 % from anticipated state aid and 5.3 % is coming from the district ’ s Capital Reserve Fund . Proposition 3 - $ 588,000 proposal for purchasing three , 65 passenger buses ; two 29 / 30 seat passenger vans ; one wheel chair van and one 7 passenger suburban . This proposition will generate 59.1 % in Transportation Aid and the impact to the taxpayer is $ 6.03 per year on a home assessed at $ 100,000 after the aid .
Three candidates are running for three seats on the School board ; Camille Adoma , Michael Bakatsias and Edward Meisel .
Voting will take place in the Band Room at the Highland High School , 320 Pancake Hollow Rd , Highland , from 6 a . m . until 9 p . m .

Three seek seats on the Highland School Board

what steps can we take to get there over time together as a community ; that ’ s my interest ,” he said .
Bakatsias said the present school board works out any differences of opinion and , “ often times we come to a consensus and we do that each year when we have to present a budget . We have been working and we have been listening both to advisers and community members about safety in our schools , about what steps to take with this [ proposed ] $ 8 million bond to make these capital investments at points in time that make sense .”
Bakatsias said the community is well represented by the present school board , adding that while decisions the district is facing may be “ difficult and gut wrenching , I do believe it [ board ] works . Its not perfect , but I believe in the function that boards have both within the school and the town and the role they play .”
Camille Adoma
Camille Adoma has resided in Highland for 12 years and has a 5th and 8th grader in the district . She is an Assistant Principal for the 6th and 7th grades at the Haviland Middle School in Hyde Park .
“ I am running for the board because I am a mom and have two boys in the district and want what ’ s best for the students ,” she said .
Adoma wants to ensure that the district continues to offer strong academic programs , including the Fine Arts and access to Technology so Highland students can meet the demands of the 21st century .
Adoma said her military and educational background makes her an ideal candidate for the school board .
“ As a naval officer I was a team player ; I was a decision maker and I gained invaluable vision experience ,” she said .
Adoma said working in a school district has given her insight to the inner workings of other schools and the opportunities they have provided to their students .
Adoma said people in the Highland community are concerned with academic offerings , keeping schools safe and having better operating facilities .
“ No matter what families are talking about , they have one common denominator ; they want what is best for their students now and in the future when they graduate from Highland Central School district ,” she said .

Police Blotter

Christopher L . Sylvester , 39 , of Highland was arrested May 6 and charged with felony Rape 3rd degree , felony Criminal Sexual Act 3rd degree , Forcible Touching , Sexual Misconduct , Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Unlawful Possession of Marijuana . Sylvester is accused of having sex with a 15 year old female over the course of several months . He was arraigned before Town of Lloyd Judge Rizzo and remanded to the Ulster County Jail on $ 50,000 cash bail , or $ 100,000 insurance bond . He was due back in the Town Court May 8 .
Oscar J . Torres Jr ., 32 , of Poughkeepsie , was arrested May 3rd and charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7th degree and Driving While Intoxicated after the vehicle he was operating was stopped for traffic violations on Rte . 44 / 55 in Highland . He is due in Town Court May 31 .
Reginald Alston , 51 , of Poughkeepsie , was arrested May 4 on a bench warrant for Assault 3rd degree . He was arraigned before Town of Lloyd Judge Elia and remanded to the Ulster County Jail on $ 500 cash bail or $ 2,000 insurance bond . He is due back in the Town Court May 10 .
Michael A . Mazzurco , 37 , of Poughkeepsie , was arrested May 3 and charged with Disorderly Conduct . He was released on an appearance ticket and is due in Town Court May 31 .
Andre L . Wilson , 53 , of Highland , was arrested May 2 on an arrest warrant for Harassment 2nd degree . He is due back in Town Court later this month .
William R . Kavleski , 37 , of Liberty , NY was arrested April 27 for Use Leased / Rented / Loaned Vehicle without Interlock Device . He was released on his own recognizance and is due in Town Court May 29 .
Leonardo Reyes , 49 , of Marlboro , was arrested April 27 and charged with Endangering Welfare of Child , Criminal Mischief Intent Damage Property , Harassment 2nd – Physical Contact , Strangulation 2nd – Obstruct Breath / Blood Circulation – Cause Physical Injury , Assault – 3rd . Reyes was arraigned April 27 and sent to the Ulster County Jail on $ 3,000 Cash / $ 6,000 Bond . He was due back in Town Court May 1 .
Elaine Velazquez , 41 , of Marlboro , was arrested April 27 and charged with Endangering Welfare of Child , Assault – 3rd , Criminal Possession Weapon with Intent to Use . She is due in town Court May 1 .
Cheyenne M . Herring , 23 , of Newburgh , was arrested April 28 on an Executed Bench Warrant . Herring was arraigned , paid a fine and released .
Cleon W . Prince , 38 , of Newburgh , was arrested April 30 as a Fugitive from Justice . He was released to 3rd Party – the City of Newburgh PD .
Jody L . Fabrikant , 64 , of Marlboro , was arrested May 1 and charged with Torturing or Injuring Animals / Failure to Provide Sustenance . Fabrikant is due in town Court at a later date .
Bernadette A . Mcardle , 22 , of Poughkeepsie , was arrested May 2 and charged with Moving from Lane Unsafely and Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol . She was released on her own recognizance and is due in Town Court May 23 .
A 17 year old from Milton , was arrested May 2 and charged with Failure to Keep Right – 2 Lane Road , Unlawful Possession of Marijuana , Driving While Intoxicated – 1st Offense and Operate Motor Vehicle W /. 08 of 1 % or More Alcohol in Blood – 1st Offense . The individual is due in Town Court May 29 .
Michael B . Keffalos , 36 , of Marlboro , was arrested May 2 and charged with DWI : Previous Conviction Designated Offense within 10 Years and Aggravated Unlicensed Operation Of Motor Vehicle – 1st . He was arraigned May 2 and sent to the Ulster County Jail on $ 15,000 Cash / $ 25,000 Secure Bond .