Southern Ulster Times May 09 2018 | Page 2

Southern Ulster Times , Wednesday , May 9 , 2018
Calendar .......................................... 14 Craig McKinney ................................ 9 Classifieds ...................................... 30 Crossword ...................................... 32 Highland ......................................... 25 Letters to the Editor ........................ 9 Marlboro ........................................ 24 Obituaries ...................................... 40 Opinion ............................................. 8 Police Blotter ................................... 4 Plattekill ........................................ 26 School News ................................... 20 Service Directory ........................... 37 Sports ............................................ 44
Lloyd Zoning Board , 7p . m ., Lloyd Town Hall , 12 Church St ., Highland . Plattekill Zoning Board , 8 p . m . Plattekill Town Hall , 1915 rte 44 / 55 , Modena .
Marlborough Town Board , 7 p . m ., Marlborough Town Hall , 21 Milton Tnpk .
TUESDAY , MAY 15 Highland School Board , 7p . m ., Highland High School , 320 Pancake Hollow Rd ., Highland .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 16 Lloyd Town Board , 7pm . Lloyd Town Hall 12 Church St ., Highland . Plattekill Town Board , 7pm , Plattekill Town Hall , 1915 Rte . 44 / 55 , Modena .
OFFICE : 300 Stony Brook Court Newburgh , NY 12550
PHONE : 845-561-0170 , FAX : 845-561-3967
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The Southern Ulster Times ( USPS 022-586 ) is a weekly newspaper published every Wednesday at Newburgh , NY 12550 , with offices at 300 Stony Brook Court , Newburgh , NY Single copy : $ 1 at newsstand . By mail in Orange , Ulster or Sullivan Counties : $ 40 annually , $ 44 out of county . Periodicals permit at Newburgh , NY POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Southern Ulster Times , 300 Stony Brook Court , Newburgh , NY 12550 .

Hamlet of Milton Association thanks supporters

By MARK REYNOLDS mreynolds @ tcnewspapers . com
In the fall of 2013 a trio of dedicated women formed the Hamlet of Milton Association [ HMA ] to see what they could do to bring a little cheer , light and beauty to the Hamlet of Milton . The community has rallied around them and each year the hamlet gets a little better .
Recently C . J . Hartwell of Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa , Vivian Lanzarone of Vivian Photography and Stephanie Calabrese of the Studio at Stephanie ’ s Salon & Spa hosted a Spring Fling at the Buttermilk Inn barn as a way to thank their supporters who help them throughout the year .
Lanzarone said they bring flowers in the spring , pumpkins in the fall and string up holiday lights and trim the Christmas Tree for the holiday season in the hamlet .
Calabrese said they will host a “ pot party ,” starting at 9 a . m . on May 20 .
“ We do a plantings in the village where we spread flowers out as far as we can see ,” she said . “ We do something every season that the HMA is involved in .”
Hartwell said there was a simple reason the three took on the task of beautifying Milton , “ We got sick and tired of it not looking pretty ,” with Calabrese adding , “ How are we going to make this look nicer and we just decided to try to do something about it .”
The three readily acknowledge the strong support from the community .
“ We also have such a willing group of people that are like our family that help us ; we are very , very grateful ,” Calabrese said .
Lanzarone said you can readily see the results of everyone ’ s efforts .
“ If you drive through the Town of Milton in summertime , it ’ s so pretty , it ’ s beautiful . People talk about it and know about it ,” she said .
Calabrese stressed that the HMA is an all volunteer organization , “ and is funded by whatever anyone wants to donate , their time or here ’ s $ 20 , and we use every bit of that to try to beautify the village and try to make any changes that are better ,” she said .
When asked how people can donate to the HMA , Lanzarone laughed , saying , “ They can drive by my studio and hand me checks .” Calabrese said the community knows where their businesses are in the hamlet and can stop by anytime to make a donation . Lanzarone said HMA is growing . “ Every year it grows so more people
A trio of women founded the Hamlet of Milton Association . Pictured at the Spring Fling 2018 is L-R C . J . Hartwell of Buttermilk Falls , Stephanie Calabrese of the Studio at Stephanie ’ s Salon and Spa and Vivian Lanzarone of Vivian ’ s Photography .
know about it , more people are excited and donate ,” she said .
Lanzarone gave special thanks to Dave Zambito for generously donating any equipment they need for improvements . She also thanked Rosemary Wein , saying “ Milton without her , I don ’ t know ; this woman does everything .”
The Spring Fling was followed several days later by a cleanup along Main Street in the hamlet .
In speaking at the Spring Fling , Hartwell said the HMA ’ s ultimate goal , “ is to continue to bring new life and beauty to the Hamlet by attracting new businesses and new residents to our community , so thank you and let ’ s keep doing that .”
Tim Lawton picks raffle tickets from Stephanie Calabrese for special prizes at Spring Fling .