Southern Ulster Times Apr. 18 2018 | Page 2

Southern Ulster Times , Wednesday , April 18 , 2018
Calendar .......................................... 12 Classifieds ...................................... 24 Highland .......................................... 21 Letters to the Editor ........................ 9 Marlboro ........................................ 20 Obituaries ....................................... 16 Opinion ............................................. 8 Police Blotter ................................... 4 Plattekill ........................................ 22 School News ................................... 23 Sports ............................................ 36
WHAT : Lloyd Town Board WHEN : 7 p . m . WHERE : Lloyd Town Hall 12 Church St ., Highland
WHAT : Plattekill Town Board WHEN : 7 p . m . WHERE : Plattekill Town Hall 1915 Rte . 44 / 55 , Modena
WHAT : Lloyd Planning Board WHEN : 5:30 p . m . WHERE : Lloyd Town Hall 12 Church St ., Highland
WHAT : Marlboro School Board WHEN : 7:30 p . m . WHERE : 21 Nilton Tpke
WHAT : Marlborough Town Board WHEN : 7 p . m . WHERE : Marlborough Town Hall 21 Milton Tnpk , Milton
OFFICE : 300 Stony Brook Court Newburgh , NY 12550
PHONE : 845-561-0170 , FAX : 845-561-3967
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Pet Rescue founder honored

By MARK REYNOLDS mreynolds @ tcnewspapers . com
On April 8 , the Middlehope Veterinary Hospital honored Lucia DeNatale as their first Outstanding Person of the Year for her tireless efforts to save and find foster homes for dogs in the region .
At a special luncheon that was held at the Ship Lantern Inn in Milton , friends , co-workers and Veterinarians paid tribute to DeNatale , who founded ‘ Take Me Home Pet Rescue ’ in 2014 . To date she has saved and placed more than 2,000 dogs in foster homes .
Hospital employee Karen Enamorado organized the dinner .
“ I think what happens when you know a person like Lucia is when you come to a dinner that is in her honor , we all realize that it is truly us that are being honored to have been inspired and to be with her today ,” she said .
Enamorado noted that DeNatale brought together an “ amazing ” team who assist her in bringing dogs up from the Carolinas for care and then find them a permanent home in the Hudson Valley , Connecticut , Pennsylvania and New Jersey .
Pastor Laurie McNeill , of the Marlborough / Highland Presbyterian Churches , offered an opening prayer .
“ We have in our midst Lucia , who cares for those pets that are part of our home and those pets in need of a home . We do give thanks for her inspired work and for the team that surrounds her to make things go well at the veterinary hospital for all those in this community who contribute to the well being of our four legged friends and the other animals as well ,” she said .
Supervisor Al Lanzetta presented DeNatale with a Pride Of Marlborough Award for enlisting the help of a community of volunteers in saving animals , for getting them the proper medical care and for finding them a new and safe home .
“ Be it resolved that the Town of Marlborough is pleased to bestow this honor with sincere appreciation ,” the award concluded .
Veterinarian Richard Solomons said DeNatale arranges for dogs to be brought here because they are in high kill shelters in the South and are scheduled to be euthanized .
“ She went down and made a deal with some of the shelters that once its the day before and you haven ’ t adopted the dog , we ’ re taking them ,” he said . “ She
Marlborough Supervisor Al Lanzetta presented Lucia DeNatale ( R ) with a Pride of Marlborough Award along with Karen Enamorado .
set up a whole network of truckers that would bring them up at no charge , like an underground railroad .”
Solomons began taking a more active interest in helping DeNatale after seeing that his staff and his clients were helping rescue these at risk animals . He offered DeNatale his veterinary care at cost “ to help any of the dogs that come up that are sick .” He said in certain circumstances there is no charge .
Solomons said these saved dogs often are facing a variety of medical issues , such as an inability to walk , respiratory infections , pneumonia , viruses and fevers . He said some dogs can be treated on an out patient basis and others he keeps for a short period of time , but once a dog is in good health DeNatale and her crew actively work to find new homes for these dogs . Solomons offers followup care , such as vaccines and de-worming when needed .
Solomons said he is in this for the long haul .
“ These people are incredible , it ’ s not me , it ’ s so much from their heart ,” he said .
Dr . Solomons saved a last touching comment for DeNatale .
“ Lucia , there is no other person I ’ ve met in my practice through veterinary care that has dedicated themselves so selflessly to changing the lives of so many dogs ,” he said . “ I think I can speak for myself and everybody else in this room when I say the work that you ’ ve done is incredibly inspiring and deserves to be recognized .”
Dr . Solomons presented DeNatale with a plaque naming her the Outstanding Person and Pet Rescuer of the Year along with a $ 5,000 check to help her continue working to save neglected dogs .
Middlehope Veterinarian Dr . Richard Solomons presented Lucia DeNatale with the Outstanding Person of the Year Award along with a $ 5,000 check to help her Take Me Home Pet Rescue . Continued on page 17