Southern Ulster Times Apr. 18 2018 | Page 3

3 Southern Ulster Times, Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Gael Appler honored by Milton Engine Company Continued from page 1 a dozen times, never again I promise you that, except the shed still needs to be cleaned out and moved one more time.” Appler said as the summer approached the air conditioning was off line and dust covered their desks as meetings went ahead hoping the project would end in their lifetimes. Appler thanked Dane Mannese for his five year commitment and an endless number of meetings that successfully brought the Ulster County parade to Milton - “Thank you Dane, you did a great job.” Appler thanked his line officers, “who are all brothers of mine,” and kidded the social officers, “because we can blame them for every problem that we have.” In addition, he thanked the Fire Commissioners, “who we can blame too, all of whom are an integral part of the cog of our fire department. The current district board provides resources to keep us at the top of our game.” Appler tipped his hat to the Ladies Auxiliary for their steadfast dedication to the department and to older veteran firefighters who help train the newer crew, adding, “As we all know good firefighters never stop learning.” Appler said the apparatus operators always take the brunt of criticism at fire calls, “but they are one of the most valuable components of a successful operation.” Appler thanked the Marlborough Police Department and Mobile Life Support Services. “We work together all the time and you never know when and you never know how bad [but] they always make our jobs easy as it can be,” he said. Appler thanked their sister companies in Marlboro, Highland, Clintondale, Esopus and Middlehope for providing backup assistance at a moment’s notice. “Congrats to everyone here with the determination to serve this community for decades,” he said. “You carry on the legacy and the tradition and service that is the volunteer fire service. Thank you all,” he concluded. 1st Assistant Chief Stephen Kneeter said in 2017 the Milton Fire Company responded to 98 calls, “which is kind of a good year for us”; man hours responding The Company honored (L-R) Gael Appler Jr. for his 25 years of service to the department and James Kent and Anthony Rodelli for their 35 years of service. Gael Appler Sr. was honored for his 50 years of service to the Milton Engine Company at the department’s annual Inspection Banquet. Pictured L-R Social President Ed Bozydaj, Supervisor Al Lanzetta, Appler and Legislator Mary Beth Maio. to fire calls totaled 3,079, “which equals about 60 hours per week per firefighter. He said the members turn out for numerous training and special functions, such as basic interior firefighter operations and Firefighter I and II, flash over training, systems and search teams and firefighter survival and confined space and chemical suicide training. In addition, they take a basic rescue technician class and county Continued on page 17 Chief Gael Appler Jr (L) and 1st Asst. Chief Stephen Kneeter honored Daniel Pinnavaia as the Firefighter of the Year for 2017.