Aebersold Florist
Aebersold Florist is a staple in Southern Indiana .
This four-generation family has been serving the region since Afred Aebersold started the business in 1908 .
The business , which remains in its original location at 1217 Silver St . in New Albany , has seen four generations of leadership , including Afred , Stanley Aebersold , David and Lana Aebersold and Lara Collett .
When the business began 114 years ago , the New Albany florists grew their own flowers but , demand has risen so much that they now buy flowers from
around the world , including from local growers . They currently offer all florist services and they have a nice selection of gifts and a large greenhouse .
In the past 114 years , the Aebersold family has seen many fluctuations in how the florist industry functions . The current economy “ is a concern and being
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Top : Lara Collett adds flowers to an arrangement in the workshop .
Bottom : David and Lana Aebersold and Lara Collett .