Kelli Kight
Accounting Manager at Amatrol in
The bulk of my volunteer time is spent with the Silver Creek
Career Academy Programs (SCCAP) at Silver Creek High School.
I was a member of the first graduating class of Silver Creek’s Acad-
emy of Finance (AOF) in 2006. Upon graduating college in 2010,
I joined the Advisory Board of SCCAP and have remained on the
board ever since.
I am a 2018 graduate of Leadership Southern Indiana’s DIS-
COVER program (BEST CLASS EVER!). Leadership’s program-
ming resonated with me on many levels. I gained additional skills
and confidence as a result of my time with LSI. It gave me the cour-
age to found an employee engagement committee at work. Our mis-
sion is to strive to increase employee satisfaction and engagement
with our company and values. I have also served on the Breakfast
Series Committee for LSI, and have enjoyed being able to contrib-
ute to some of their programming that has meant so much to me.
How has the coronavi-
rus outbreak impacted
your life most and what
will you tell future gener-
ations about COVID-19
from your perspective?
The biggest impact of the
coronavirus outbreak to my
life has been the abrupt adjust-
ment to social distancing. I’m
a social person by nature,
so the adjustment has been
tough. I have really missed
my family and friends, my
running group, and my gym
family. I have learned not to
take things for granted. Prior
to this outbreak and the result-
ing requirements to help keep
it under control, I never could
May / June 2020