Southern Indiana Business May-June 2020 | Page 52

Nick McRae Co-founder and CEO of construction-tech startup Meta Construction Technologies, LLC (MetaCT); also CFO for two Southern Indiana-based construction companies, McRae Enterprises and Innovative Piering Single best thing about being involved — living and working — in Southern Indiana: Jamie Schilmiller Own/operate Homestead Ag Supply LLC Volunteerism: Ag in the Classroom with Indiana Farm Bureau, Floyd County Farm Bureau, help run the My Little Farm at the county fair, 4-H clubs, St. Anne’s (ladies group) at our church and more. How has the coronavirus out- break impacted your life most and what will you tell future generations about COVID-19 from your perspective? I farm with my husband’s family, run our household, volunteer with several organizations and manage a business...none of it compares to the “homeschooling” I need to do now with my children as they are out of 52 May / June 2020 school. My children come to work with me now as they are too young to stay home on their own. I’m finding it very difficult to juggle it all as this is the busiest time of the year for my business. I keep telling myself to stay positive and keep strong, as things could change any day. History sometimes repeats itself, if we learn from it, we can be better prepared for the future, that’s how I’m seeing this for COVID-19. Our future generations need to be prepared for anything and everything, you never know when something might hap- pen. My Grandfather always told me, “You will have something big hap- pen in your lifetime, whether it’s a depression or a disease, you need to be ready.” Future generations need to be prepared to be able to take care of themselves, whether that be grow- ing your own food to becoming more self-sufficient in many will make life more bearable during hard- ships. When you can take care of your- self, you can then take care of others. Its accessibility. Everybody is only one or two degrees of separation away, so it can feel like a “small town” when you want to connect with some- one; however, the caliber of intelligent, talented people in this region is staggering. The geographic accessibility is fantastic, too. It’s one reason that logistics companies strategically locate themselves in Southern Indiana and the Mid- west, in general, because it’s easy to get most places from here. zIn the midst of this crisis, we continue to hear about “pivoting.” Until now, I generally thought of a pivot as a change. But now, I believe a pivot is establishing a strong base and moving on an area of strength to solve a new or different need. It’s less about reacting and more about responding based on our strengths and knowing what we can contribute.   From the most practical level, a global pandemic shines a spotlight on how quickly the fragile rhythm of our daily routines can be broken. Our ability to