Southern Indiana Business January/February 2020 | Page 9

or aren’t informative. Speaking of trimming down digitally, unsubscribe from email lists. I don’t have to be a psychic to know your inbox is full of nonsense from companies. Sure, I did buy something online from Nike once. But that doesn’t mean I need weekly updates from the sports store about sales and discounts. Now I know it’s easy just to delete these emails. But then they’ll reappear like an annoying weed. So go to the bottom of the message and click unsubscribe. Or, if that seems like too much of a hassle, mark them as spam. This way they at least won’t clog up your regular inbox. Sifting through emails also serves as a solid jumping-off point to change up your passwords. It’s never a bad idea to switch them up yearly, if not more often. A password manager, like Google’s or Apple Keychain, can keep these in order for you. On top of that take the time to utilize two- factor authentication. This means in addi- tion to knowing your password, a code will be sent to your phone to verify it’s really you accessing the account. This is espe- cially important for websites where a credit card is stored or photos are saved. Finally, let’s save some money. Reas- sess online subscription services and figure out what’s worth your hard-earned cash. For example, my wife and I let HBO Now go on for months even though we stopped watching the network after Game of Thrones ended. Maybe the same is true for you with Audible, Hulu or Spotify? Regardless, our digital lives are exten- sions of us and not siloed-off affairs. That’s why our resolutions should at least touch on them heading into a new decade. — Evan Campbell is a freelance writer who covers video games, movies, TV shows and tech. He’s also a former copy editor at the News and Tribune.