Southern Indiana Business January/February 2020 | Page 11

my life, I had been helped by a social worker during a time of my life when things weren’t going that great. I feel that pastors need to have that kind of counseling technique and theory understanding to be able to effectively do their job. 2 You do a lot within and [outside] the church. How do you create a life-work balance with all that you have going on? I prioritize my personal time with God first above all things, then I prioritize my family second, my physical fitness next, and then everything else comes after that. I try to do the things within the church that need to be done and delegate — a pastor doesn’t have to do everything. He just has to do a few things really well. After 20 years of preaching, if I don’t do it well, I probably should get up and go do something else. The second thing I do well, I can build relationships pretty easily with people I don’t know; it’s something that comes naturally to me. I’ve been at Park Memorial 14 years… there’s a trust with the congregation. They trust that if I’m leading direction, they fully trust me and I also fully trust them. Our church leads by spiritual consensus rather than by Robert’s Rules of Order. For instance, like with our commitment to the shelter, it was 100 percent unanimous. There were questions, but there was no dis- senting votes. We have a leadership team with 15 people on it. We meet at least six times a year and they help oversee all the ministries that the church has. Our commitment to the poor previous to these experiences recently has been benevolence, working with them as they come through our doors, to try to help them get their lives on track. The more we have worked with those who are poor in the community, we’ve recognized a major clog in the artery, so to speak, for a proper system of care. A system of care flows. First, you have these street outreach people and you have the shelter and then you have all the other service organizations, where each of those sheltered individuals need to be connect- ing with in order to get the help that they need. We have a responsibility to make sure that people are properly sheltered in a way that meets their need and and that’s one of our commitments to each other. 3 When working on a systemic issue such as homelessness, how important is it to form partner- ships in the community? Oh my gosh, I didn’t even know that was possible to do so. And that’s what I guess to me pushed the pedal forward was when I real- ized and saw the amount of relationships we were able to leverage through America’s Best, I realized that something else was possible. Because what happened with the Home- less Prevention Task Force was it wasn’t just a group of people who were working toward their own ends, but actual friendships were formed. And that is, I think, a key that people miss, is that there’s friendship relationships outside the working relationships we had with helping the clients. In that moment, I realized we could do something else in Southern Indi- ana and that something else was possible. I could call right now any of the community partners that we have and whatever is going on in their life right now, they would likely stop that and do what we need to do, and I would do that as well. For instance, last week Angie Graf from Hope Southern Indiana called and she had gotten a call from a group that had a ware- house full of brand new clothes and she said they were giving them away. She went there and loaded them up...all brand new, all kids clothes. So I called community action of Southern Indiana, got two trucks, called Paul from Exit Zero, got their truck. We all went there and got the stuff. So those relationships formed back then have really blossomed where we’re all working together to do some pretty cool stuff. 4 Is there a particular passage in the Bible you turn to often when you need inspiration? Probably Second Corinthians 12:9: ‘My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.’ That’s probably one of my go-to passages, kind of one of those ones I think helps me in my life. That’s one I kind of repeat in my head. I think it’s because there’s so many people who think they have to be completely strong for everything to work out. The passage basi- cally says that God’s grace is sufficient and his power is made perfect in weakness. That, to me, makes sense. I don’t have to be strong in everything, I don’t have to do everything January / February 2020 11