Source Programme of Events Summer 2019 The Source Arts Centre Programme Summer 2019 | Page 12
Niamh Shaw
Tuesday 21 May
Niamh Shaw is on a mission to get into Space –
in her own unique way.
Using her artist and engineer/scientist
background, she wants to share the story of
space from the perspective of an average,
everyday person, who just so happens to be on
a quest to fulfil her lifelong ambition. But there
is always a cost. Niamh wants to explore what
happens to us when we allow ourselves pursue
our childhood dreams. An award-winning
science communicator, Niamh will tell her story,
sharing highs and lows of the journey so far,
with videos of her recent adventures on the
simulated Mars mission in the desert, her work
with the European Space Agency, a zero gravity
flight and her trips to Baikonur cosmodrome.
This event is supported by
the Tipperary Creative
Ireland programme.
PreSenTeD By TiPPerary CoUnTy CoUnCil
liBrary ServiCe
TiMe: 7.30 PM PriCe: Free – Book in aDvanCe
The Source Arts Centre
Brigid Cleary
Friday 24 May
"Are you a witch or are you a fairy or are you
the wife of Michael Cleary?"
This one woman show performed by Eve
O’Mahony describes the events which led to
the death of Brigid Cleary at the hands of her
husband in Tipperary in 1895.
The character of Brigid is the main narrator
throughout the performance but her story is
also told by a host of other characters. She tells
the bittersweet story of her life as a successful
business woman living in a patriarchal society
and the details which lead to her tragic death.