SotA Anthology 2020-21 | Page 3

In this Anthology you will find work by undergraduate and postgraduate students from the five Departments of the School of the Arts at the University of Liverpool : Architecture , Communication and Media , English , Music , and Philosophy . The essays and creative work inside this volume were produced under the most difficult conditions imaginable : a full academic year during a pandemic , much of it under lockdown in one form or other . Some of the students contributing to this volume have not been inside University


Professor Peter Buse , Dean of the School of the Arts , welcomes readers to the 2021 Anthology . Peter joined the University of Liverpool in this position in September 2018 , following a distinguished career teaching and publishing in the fields of critical and cultural theory , modern drama , film and photography studies .
buildings for over eighteen months , while others , notably in Architecture and Music , have continued their practical work under carefully risk-assessed ‘ Covid-secure ’ conditions none of us could have imagined in 2019 .
The quality and originality of the work is a testament not only to the resourcefulness and determination of our students during the pandemic , but to their lecturers , who , as ever , have guided , encouraged and challenged them . I greatly enjoyed reading the contributions to the volume , and learnt something from all of them , not least the concepts of ‘ phubbing ’ and ‘ nomophobia ’, which certainly struck a chord . I was impressed not only by the skill and urgency with which our students critique the world around them , but also their willingness to reflect on their own place in the world , their own practices and identities . Contributions by English and Architecture students show the value and importance of rigorous close analysis of paying scrupulous attention to texts , to language and to design , and our Philosophy students demonstrate admirably how to argue a case and make us realise that a seemingly simple issue is often very complex . You ’ ll find creative work in here