SotA Anthology 2019-20 | Page 48

ENGL275 Creativity : Socially Engaged Writing Practice
-you ’ ll die kicking and screaming his breathing in check but couldn ’ t .
“ I ’ m unclear as to what you want me to do .”
“ What you ’ re paid for .” The manager ’ s tone was colder than Prentiss ’ s . “ The boy defaulted on his contract , of which he still owes me six months and he damaged company property .”
“ He ’ s also dead .” The words were out of his mouth before Prentiss could stop himself . The Manager ’ s lips curled back , and he threw a brown HoloFile TM onto the desk in front of him .
“ His fiancée ’ s address is in there , labelled as next of kin . Find her and bring me the money we ’ re owed .”
Prentiss ’ s head siezed . Suddenly the Manager ’ s voice seemed to be coming from very far away , and he became dimly aware of a faint buzzing on his wrist . He looked down to see a glowing notification .
“ Payday !”
The pain was now so bad it blurred his vision . He mumbled something to the manager and stumbled out of the office . His chest was tight , and his heart was going ballistic . He meandered his way out of the factory and back onto the street . He tried to keep
SOTA Anthology 19 / 20
takingmoneyfromadeadman ’ swife whathappenedtoitallthatfuckingoldfuckershouldgobackin thered-what ’ sright
Prentiss hunched over , gritting his teeth . The rapidly shrinking rational part of his brain told him to stop , that this was what happened every month , to save the money for the car , or for the toaster , or for anything remotely worthwhile , but he shut that voice out and looked about him . Through the red mist of his vision , he saw something that gave him a savage stab of pleasure . Ahead of him , about thirty feet away , was the man in the overcoat from an hour ago . Prentiss checked his savings one last time . A broken nose on a civilian ? £ 350 . A couple of shattered ribs ? That would set you back about £ 500 . And he would still have enough for rent . His hand went into his pocket to feel the reassuring weight of the brass knuckle dusters he kept there . They were worn , outdated , and a little rusty . But he was oldfashioned like that .