SotA Anthology 2019-20 | Page 47

Stephen Patterson
pointed nose that seemed to be the only thing about him that protruded out of the second dimension .
“ Ah , Insurafirm , is it ? We expected you yesterday .”
The tone was accusatory .
Oh for fuck sake a late call well it ’ s not my fault my sodding watch is broke you shrivelled old bastard
“ Apologies , sir . Requests can take between one and three working days to process .”
The old man grunted . “ Not that you care .”
You ’ re damn fucking right you old fuck
“ Apologies again , sir . I strive to provide the best service possible .”
“ Well , it ’ s a messy one , let me tell you . All over the walls and the floor . And the stench , Jesus .”
Ah , so it was that type of vandalism . The throbbing in Prentiss ’ s skull increased tenfold .
“ Why don ’ t you show me to the scene , sir ?” body as soon as they heard what had happened .”
“ Even so I- what ?”
“ You deaf ? We couldn ’ t leave the boy lying there for all to see !”
Prentiss had been doing this job too long to be surprised , but he was momentarily confused . He paused . Collected himself .
“ I was told this was a vandalism case .”
“ It is !” squawked the old manager . “ The boy shot himself right in the breakroom !”
The Detective wondered suddenly if throwing the old manager out of the large window behind him would be enough to kill him . He hoped it wouldn ’ t . Not on impact , anyway .
“ What exactly- ” Prentiss caught himself as his voice tremored .
You heartless sodding bastard if you ask what I think you ’ re going to I ’ m gonna drag you downstairs-
“ I ’ m not- ” There it was again .
-Shove your baldy fucking head right into one of those fucking machines-
“ Well , we can , but we had to clean him up . The family wanted the
The manager ’ s old , gnarled face looked at him quizzically .