A group of students from Central
St Martins was invited by the
National Institute of Design in
India to participate in a 2 week
collaborative workshop. We formed
multidisciplinary teams, spanning
Architecture, Narrative Environments
and Exhibition Design.
work to ensure that Indian child
have the opportunity to exercise the
fundamental right to education, and
to fully participate and contribute to
Prabhat are engaged with learning,
community-based rehabilitation and
advocacy towards the national effort
We worked with Prabhat Foundation, to sure that human rights are met for
a not for profit organisation, who
the millions of disabled people who
society has made invisible.
In addition to their education centre,
the Prabhat Foundation supports
children with special needs in their
homes across Ahmedabad.
Saniya, an 11 year old girl with
Cerebral Palsy, is one of these
children. She lives with her mother,
father, sister and brother in a rented,
single room house in a Bage Hasan,
This work recognises how constraints Vatva, a small, semi-industrial
of mobility, culture and finance can
settlement on the outskirts of
create barriers between disabled
Ahmedabad. Saniya has a range of
children, care-givers, educational
physical and cognitive disabilities.
opportunities and therapy providers. She is currently learning to sit
unsupported and developing her
muscle and grip strength and control.