to create publications about your product . If you are launching a completely new innovative product which is going to cater new set of needs of customers then you will need to come up with a broader approach . Building up relationships with different media channels will be required to create awareness about your business .
To make your product acceptable in the market , you must identify the real customer insights . You should know the needs of the customer that your product fulfils . Your product must fit the target market better than your competitor to create a distinctive image in the minds of the consumer . Initial customers should always be the learning point for start-ups .
The most important thing a start-up business should do is talk to the people in the industry who can be your potential customers . When reaching out to those people , do not sell your product . Instead , try to understand them , learn about their needs and how satisfied are they with the current products . Once you have learned your initial key customers , you will have an opportunity to sell your product according to their requirements . If you have done your job right , then these early stage customers will recommend your product to other people and create a positive word of mouth to drive future growth for the business .
Source : http :// www . researchomatic . com / customer-attraction-131036 . html