SOMA Magazine SOMA Fall Fashion Issue Oct 15 | Page 25
chances are readers will be, too. If I’m not excited to write about
it, it’s hard to muster the energy and readers notice.
What’s the most important, lesser-known fact about
beauty in your opinion?
The trends might change from season to season but at the end
of the day people want products that work, smell nice and look
pretty on their vanity. You can try to fake it with a trend or advertising, but consumers see through that!
When traveling, what’s the one product you would never
leave behind?
Dry shampoo. Between hard water and tiny hair dryers in the
hotel, I always need help in the volume department!
You have a fair selection of talented contributors for
Beauty Bets. At what point did you determine you needed
the aid of additional writers?
Early on, when I realized that I was never going to cover DIY
or drugstore beauty, for example, as well as some of my contributors. Having a team keeps the content fresh and is less
isolating—a little-known downside of being a blogger!
I understand you’re also an Editor Director for MSP
Communications and also collaborate with the line, One
Love Organics. How do you balance your efforts between
all three?
I balance all three by focusing on what I’m good at and delegating or hiring out the rest. I have no shame in that department, it’s
just good business and keeps me from burning out!
With an impressive Pinterest following of over five and a
half million, how did you grow your exposure adequately
to garner this kind of public interest?
Honestly, I have NO IDEA. It happened practically overnight
so it’s safe to assume that Pinterest promoted my account. But I
do think that my editorial background lends itself nicely to pinning products, images, etc that create a cohesive story. I’m fairly
consistent in terms of style and I only pin what I love.
What kind of advice do you have for young writers looking
to brand their ideas through their own blog?
Think about what you REALLY care about, because that’s what’s
going to get you out of bed and to your laptop in the morning.
Then start writing! Good photography has become almost synonymous with blogging. Will you take your own or find someone
to partner with? Finally, build relationships with other bloggers,
brands, and the media. We support each other and it makes all
the difference.