actually spoke to a young couple this
past Easter at church who said these
words without hesitation: “See you in
a year.” Ugh. There could very well be several other
days that are naturally high attendance
days in your community. What are those
days that naturally come to mind?
• Christmas Eve. Hear me well. Please
always have a Christmas Eve service. It’s
the day where you are more likely to
get the unchurched and non-Christians
to attend. Your church is missing a
great opportunity to reach people if it
does not have a Christmas Eve service.
Christmas still evokes warm memories
for many people, even unbelievers. It is
a time of celebration and tradition. It’s
just too important to skip. So what’s the purpose of this exercise?
It’s a reminder that these natural high
attendance days are seasonal in
every church. It’s a reminder of days
when people are more likely to come
to church. And it’s a reminder that if
receptivity to church is likely for them,
it’s likely for others as well.
• Mother’s Day. The moms in your
church typically want their husbands
and children to attend church. Mother’s
Day is one of those days where the
family actually yields to the wishes
of the moms and wives. By the way,
Father’s Day is often a lower attendance
day in churches. Go figure.
8 • Solutions
Simply stated, your church’s efforts to
have an Outward Deluge should be both
sustained and seasonal. In the cases
we just noted, your church should make
extraordinary effort at reaching your
community for those high seasonal
days. It’s a time when biblically the
fields are ready for harvest. Follow
the words of Jesus Himself in John
4:35: “Listen to what I am telling you:
Open your eyes and look at the fields,
because they are ready for harvest.”