Welsh Revival in Wales, Azusa Street
broke out in Los Angeles and swept
from the West to the East Coast.
We’ve seen the healing revivals of the
20th century, the Jesus Movement
and other localized outpourings of
God’s Spirit. However, in light of this
nation’s decline in morality, civility and
church attendance (only 17% of our
population), the question becomes,
Have we descended beyond the point of
no return? People have told me it’s over
for America and sincerely doubt we
can ever be revived again.
T h i s w a s t h e p ro b l e m w i t h t h e
Pharaoh of Egypt. The revival that
had saved the nation under Joseph
had been forgotten. Pharaoh and the
leaders had no knowledge of Joseph
and because they did not understand
history, they made poor choices in
the present. The fact is if we do not
understand God’s footprint in the past,
if we do not remember Joseph, we will
never know where He is going to step
in the future. Had Pharaoh recognized
Joseph’s work, he would have realized
the Jewish people were no threat to
His kingdom and potentially would be
a great blessing.
There is no doubt we have hit a moral
low in America. However, a brief
study of church history shows us it’s
no worse than it ever has been. One
must understand this if we are to see
God’s intent and ability for awakening.
How silly to think the living God of the
All God needs is a small remnant of
people to call on his name and he will
come blazing forth in our nation.
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