Solutions October 2019 | Page 49

Eventually, a new king came to power in Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done. Exodus 1:8 T h e ye a r w a s 1 7 3 4 . I m m o r a l i t y, d run ken n ess an d a co l d ch urch atmosphere was the norm in the colonies. The original passion of religious freedom and worship of the Puritans who sailed from England was mostly gone and a form of godliness- without-power had taken over. The “Halfway Covenant,” which allowed church members to assent to certain doctrines without a lifestyle change had infiltrated the churches and an “unconverted ministry” was preaching a gospel they had never experienced. Te e n a g e r s b e g a n “ b u n d l i n g ,” a practice where they would keep warm by crawling into beds together with a board between the males and females and have “visits.” In Northampton, Massachusetts, one pastor named Jonathan Edwards became distressed over the spiritual condition of his community and began preaching the personal responsibility we have to a living God. Conversions actually began among teenagers, and one of the most famous sermons, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” was preached with such power that people grabbed onto the pews for fear of falling into hell. Along with the preaching of George Whitfield and others, the first Great Awakening shook the colonies with thousands coming to Christ and would eventually lead to the Revolution and the establishment of America. One would think this kind of awakening would last forever, but by 1796 skepticism and rationalism from Europe had taken over and this new nation was again challenged by cold, dead religion. It looked like the day of the move of God was over. But the revival of 1800 would lead into the Second Great Awakening and set the new frontier on fire for God with the first camp meetings and spiritual manifestations of power that had only been seen in the first century spread of the gospel. Charles Finny, a leader during this time, saw a great outpouring in Rochester, NY. But this too began to wane and people began to wonder if awakenings were over. Then, the Fulton Street Prayer Revival began in 1857 with Jeremiah Lanphier in Manhattan, NY, and sparked an outpouring of the Holy Spirit around the nation, resulting in hundreds of thousands coming to Christ. One would think that trust in God would keep faith alive, but this too began to fade, and because of the condition of the culture, people began to think the days of revival could no longer take place. Then in 1906, driven by the “ There is no doubt we have hit a moral low in America. Solutions • 49