Solutions June 2017 | Page 12
Moses knew the Israelites were
headed to the Promised Land, where
they would encounter enemies of
God. The Israelites were God’s people,
chosen to reflect His image to the entire
world. So they couldn’t follow what
the world followed and love what the
world loved: possessions, money, sex,
the elevation of self, to name a few. So
God had to be their number one, or
they would forget Him and become like
everyone else.
Do we deeply love God with all our
heart, soul, and strength? Do we value
what He does? As broken people,
we won’t always. And we will often
choose ourselves over God. But in our
heart of hearts, are our intentions and
endeavors reflective of loving God
more than anything else? This, I believe,
is what loving God with all our heart,
soul, and strength looks like.
God continues—
These commandments that I give you
today are to be on your hearts. Impress
them on your children. —Deuteronomy
6:6-7, NIV
The purpose of parenting is not my
happiness. It’s not my comfort. It’s not
passing along traditions that I grew up
with or making sure my kid is happy. If
we want a kid who’s going to choose
God at every turn, these temporary
things can’t be our focus.
The purpose of parenting, and
therefore my job as a mom, is to
partner with God to shape the spiritual
trajectory of my kids’ lives, so that they
leave my home bent on making God
12 Solutions
Lisa Lloyd is a speaker, emcee, actor,
and writer. Since receiving her bachelor
of fine arts in theater from Southern
Methodist University, Lisa has been
featured in many major performance
mediums. Her television credits include
What Would You Do? and Prison
Break. You may see her on television
commercials, highway billboards, or
TV screens at the local airport. She
has performed with many theaters,
including the Milwaukee Repertory
Theater and the Dallas Theater Center.
She is a highly sought-after speaker at
women’s retreats, conferences, and
events across the country. She and
her husband Markus live in McKinney,
Texas, and have two boys.
Excerpted from Chasing Famous by Lisa Lloyd.
©2017 New Hope Publishers.