Solutions June 2017 | Page 11

We came upon a lingerie store with a gargantuan poster of a busty bra model .
I tried to distract him by pointing out the Lego store right around the corner . But he ran over to the poster and stood underneath the “ angelic ” woman . His eyes told me “ heaven ” was right here .
I watched as chuckling adults passed him by . They laughed and said to each other how “ cute ” this was . But it was far from cute to me . I was embarrassed , and all I wanted to do was pick him up , ignore what was happening and find a cookie counter to distract him . But what I had in front of me , in addition to a boy drooling over beauty , was a teachable moment . Despite my desire to run , I decided to engage . I walked over , passing the snickering mall-goers , and stood by my son . “ She ’ s beautiful isn ’ t she , buddy ?”
“ Yeah , Mom . Ohhh yeah .” His eyes stayed glued on the image .
Good grief . I knelt next to him and continued .
“ As you grow , there are going to be many women you ’ ll see who will model like this . They will be everywhere — on TV , on billboards , and in the mall . As a man , you will be drawn to want to look at them . But you have the opportunity to not only protect your mind from the forever stamp of this image , but you also have the chance to show her respect when you turn your head or close your eyes . And when you do this , you are telling her you don ’ t have to look at her like that to see her beauty . Because women are beautiful because God made them , not because they show their skin .”
It ’ s times like these when God reminds us that our jobs , whether parents or guardians or grandparents , is to help shape and mold our kids ’ characters . Because kids with character can change the world — or at least their little corner of it . We can empower them to impact their communities , neighborhoods , workplaces and families — no matter their age or ours . All for the glory of God .
A couple days later , we were at home watching TV , when a commercial came on , advertising an outdoor water toy . A little girl , who couldn ’ t have been more than six years old , was wearing a bikini and splashing in the water . Deuce immediately put his hands over his eyes , almost at attention . When he could hear that the commercial was over , he dropped his hands , looked at me with his toothless grin , and gave me two thumbs up .
I can ’ t protect my kids from every negative influence , or person , or image , but I can embrace teachable moments to help my kids become the men I ’ ve envisioned them becoming . Men who love God with everything in them . Who choose Jesus at every turn . Who are willing to be made fun of , who are willing to be persecuted , who are willing to risk it all to live for the fame of God ’ s name . It ’ s not the church ’ s responsibility to help my kids become this . It ’ s my responsibility , the parent . God tells us so .
In Deuteronomy 6 , Moses commands parents , guardians , and all of the believing community to teach our kids to love God with everything in them . But his first command was to the adults .
Hear , O Israel : The Lord our God , the Lord is one . Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength . These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts . — Deuteronomy 6:4-6 , NIV ( author ’ s emphasis )
Solutions 11