Several years ago, I had to give up
watching cable news channels. Before
then, I was a news junkie. I LOVED
watching the news, hearing different
angles on the news, and listening to
incredibly smart commentators share
their opinion about the news. But over
time, a steady diet of cable news and
commentary wasn’t good for my soul.
By watching cable news every day, I
was feeling anxious and even hopeless
about the future. I had a deep-seated
cynicism toward politicians. I began
to believe they had a vendetta out for
America and my way of living. I had
no interest in listening to others who
valued different political views from
me. I lacked compassion for those
with differing opinions.
It was making me an unloving person.
For me, shutting off my excessive
intake of cable news made me more
loving, less tense and more hopeful. I
developed clearer thinking about real
solutions for real problems and my
compassion for the people around me
began to increase. I started to want
to know about other views and found
some of my own long-held beliefs shift
as I was released from the quicksand
of group-think.
For me, it was cable news that was
making me less loving. For you it might
be a person who is pulling you into a
cesspool of negativity. It might be an
environment or work place. You may
need to change what you are reading,
watching or listening to.
If you truly want to be a person marked
by love, then remove the things in your
life that are keeping you from becoming
who you want to be.
3. Pray for a Change of Heart
I’m not sure your prayers will get you a
new job, or make your car last another
year, or help you pass a test when you
didn’t study . But I am convinced God
answers prayers when you ask him to
work in your heart, at a deep personal
8 • Solutions